Fresh pair of eyes

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"I'm gonna have to tie you," 

He said, taking out handcuffs that were hanging around his belt. She stared at him humming and reconsidering, 

 "No way!"

She said, then backed to the other side. He let out a frustrated laugh,

 "How do you think they'll believe that I arrested you?!"

She yielded, and turned around, the handcuffs were roughly placed. She was about to ask a question. However, the elevator arrived to the top floor.

"Just play along,"

He said and pushed her to walk out the elevator. Thereafter, she finally saw it. The sunrise, the land which wasn't much but it was better than the vault and the fake light, her eyes struggled to stay open in the fave of the natural light, she took one deep breath trying to inhale fresh air but when she started coughing and nearly choking, she remembered that the air isn't as fresh as it used to be. 

They walked towards the gate, which was wide open with four guards standing together and talking. They walked on a rusty floor, the sound of their footsteps ringed on the metal, Jerry said, directing his words to the guards, "passing through, taking her to the main tent."

One of the guards replied with a repulsive tone, "You sure you can handle yourself, newbie?" The rest of the guards laughed along with him. She couldn't help but automatically cringe.

When they passed by the gaurds, the offensive guard extended his arm to touch her, nudging it with her shoulder she yelled,

 "You haven't seen a girl before!"

The guard was obviously irked by that comment. He poked her head with his rifle, " You're more than a girl,".

"Okay enough with the child's play. Can we pass through?" The man said, pulling her away from the guard.

"Didn't you just go in with the boss?"

Lily tensed up to his words. Did she just slaughter their boss?

 "he's following us shortly," he proceeds to walk without waiting for permission. "She claims that there's a loaded warehouse hidden around here."

Lily glares at him with question marks written all over her face. The guards didn't contemplate much and allowed them through.

"Don't wander around too far. There a claw roaming." 

Another guard replied. The man thanked him and gently pushed Lily forward. 

At last on the ground they carefully passed by the tents, and walked farther more to the north avoiding eye sight, during the walk she watched the empty wasteland, all that's left was naked trees separated by dry grass, no birds happily chiming, no squirrels or sheep running around not even a diversity of colors! Everything was within the shades of brown. she compared the beauty she once knew with the damaged land before her.

Lily stopped walking, getting sick of being handcuffed and demanded to be free.

"Walk with me just a little more," he said "I wanna be sure we don't encounter a scouting group around here," and so she walked.

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He broke the silence. She turned her head to him and raised an eyebrow.

"If we met differently, you would have gotten my name a long time by now," she laughed "Why not tell me something about yourself first?".

He stopped walking , she turned around and waited for his next words, his eyes wandered around then met hers, he blew some air and spoke "fine... the name is Jeremiah Thomson, Jeremy for short, 29 years old at your serves, " he smiled.

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