Chapter 16 - Decoration

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"What materials do you all have for the full package? Zhang Han casually asked.

About things regarding renovation, Zhang Han had learned quite a bit of it back then. Although the things he knew about renovation was not much, it was still at the least enough for him to not get conned easily by someone else.

"Our company has retail stores at Xilong Renovation Market, and furthermore have cooperation relationship with quite a few international brand shops, therefore, whatever decoration and materials that Mr Zhang you would want, we have it all. Moreover, the price will definitely be cheaper compared to you personally going to the shop to buy." Zhao Kai replied truthfully.

This kind of situation was normally mutually beneficial. Zhao Kai's company would buy the materials at wholesale price, then sell the materials to the buyer at a profitable price. This way, the company could earn money, and the buyers could also save some money too.

Of course, for this kind of situation to work, the inner quality of a company matters too. If a company were to substitute the materials with fake materials, the buyers could only count themselves unlucky.

"I will take the full package then." Zhang Han nodded his head and said.

Hearing that, Zhao Kai's smile became more enthusiastic. Taking the ipad over from the youth's hand, he opened up the photo album and said, "I'm not sure what kind of renovation style Mr Zhang wants? This is our company's renovation examples, you can take a look first. After you have decided, when we go back today, we will make drawings according to your opinion to provide for you to choose."

Zhang Han began to look at the pictures on the ipad, while Manager Ma took his leave and left after picking up a phone call.

After looking for a while, Zhang Han had his own opinion. He intends to renovate the first floor to family style, and not business store type.

The structure of the first floor was very simple, there was only a staircase at the inner left side, and a toilet at the right side. For the remaining space, it was just the living room. The door faced towards the south and was located at between two very wide French windows.

Zhang Han muttered to himself for a while, then said out his opinion.

"At somewhere near the middle, make a television wall at the wall in the east side. In front of the television wall, place a sofa and coffee table.

This way, Meng Meng can watch the television when she is waiting for me to cook for her. The kitchen will be on the west side, and it will be a square shape open kitchen. The stove will be placed at the side facing towards the television. This way, I can look at Meng Meng while I cook.

Near the television, a small stage can be built there for me to put a piano. When I am free, I can teach Meng Meng to play the piano, which is pretty nice. Near the piano, and at the corner near to the door, I can put a small high table there and place a laptop on the small high table, then at the surroundings, I can install some high-quality sound system. That way, when eating, I can play some music to listen to.

At the place near the window and sofa, place a small round table and four ball-shaped chairs. It will be the corner for eating snacks and drinking beverages. At the outer side, place a dinner table, and a big crystal chandelier on top of the dinner table. Also, around the surroundings of the dinner table, I want some decorations."

"Mr Zhang, the workload of those things that you speak of are not big. There will also be no problem in the renovation."

Zhao Kai opened his phone's calculator and said while calculating,

"I will speak about the specific works. Floor tiles, kitchen's wall bricks, a small area of integrated ceiling at the kitchen, rest of the ceilings, television wall, small stage, few other furniture, the cost of tearing down the original decorations, and also the cost of the revamp of the second floor. Not counting the materials, the total fee for the manual work cost 150k rmb."

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