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Tw: major character death

I walked into our tour bus and noticed that something was wrong, it was incredibly quiet? This is weird because usually Awsten would be running around screaming about some random shit that didn't really matter, it kinda worried me that Awsten wasn't making any noise so I went to investigate it.
I walked through the bus and noticed blueberries scattered all over the floor and a puddle of orange juice right out side of MY bunk...
This was really fuckin weird.
I saw one of my hoodies sticking out from Awstens bunk, so I pulled it because I really liked that hoodie and I didn't wanna get Awsten hair all over it, but when I pulled it it didn't come out (of the closet).
I opened the curtain to Awstens bunk to find him laying there clutching my hoodie in his arms, quietly sobbing into it, I wanted to comfort because well he's my best friend (that I kiss a lot and I proposed to him but that has nothing to do with it).

-I miss you Otto... Awsten mumbled into the hoodie. I tried to put my arms around him but it didn't work, well fuck...

-Awsten I'm literally right here! I screamed at the green haired mess.

-I'm so sorry Otto, I wish I could've done more... He rolled out of his bed and hit the carpeted floor, then he stood up and began picking up strawberries, I could've sworn that they were blueberries a few seconds ago.

I waved my hand aggressively in front of his face, because he was obviously blind and couldn't see me.

-AWSTEN IM FUCKING HERE WHY CANT YOU SEE ME!? I screamed as he walked into the small bathroom in the bus, I followed him.

-You know Otto sometimes it seems like you're still here, like I can still hear your voice and like you'll crawl into my bed in the middle of the night. I can even see your face sometimes, see your black curly fucking poodle hair fall in front of your face so that I have to swipe it away from your eyes. Missing someone is hard ya know? Awsten spoke as he began putting red makeup in his face that made him look like even more of a clown than he already was.

-Awsten stop it's not fun anymore, I'm here! I screamed desperately.

-You never really tell people how much you love them, and, I wish I had told you that night how much you meant to me...

I felt something cold run up my spine that made all of the hair stand up, and then everything went black, really fucking black, a blinding black.

I woke up hyperventilating and desperately patted the empty space in the bed next to me, when I didn't feel another body there I panicked and ran out of our shared room and into the living room.

-AWSTEN??? I called out in panic as I ran through our shared apartment trying to find him.

I stopped when I saw a weird jar, it looked like a pickle jar but like, old.

I turned it over and saw the words
"In loving memory of Awsten Constantine Knight"

-There you are Aws, I've searched everywhere for you. I went back to bed and put the urn on my bedside table where it's supposed to be, right next to the other ones that said "Rest in peace Geoff Donald Wigington" and "We will miss you Otto isathot Wood"

-Goodnight guys.

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