Evil Awsten

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Tw: some fuckin horror shit, kidnapping, dungeons, demons, I don't know what this is I'm scared...

- Otto come out come out wherever you are, I don't wanna hurt you I just wanna talk to you. Awstens cold voice echoed through the empty building, I can't believe that I had once trusted that man with my entire life.

-Come on Otto... I  know that you love me, you don't wanna make me upset don't you baby.
I gagged at his nickname, I didn't want to be Awstens baby, Awsten was a psychopath and he will always be a psychopath.

I felt my heart pound against my chest, it felt like it was going to burst out of my body. The stone floor caused bruises and cuts on my fragile skin, I just wanted to escape but I couldn't, Awsten would catch me if I tried to escape. I saw his thin frame enter the room where I was hiding, his steps echoing against the cold floor.

-oh Otto, you're so stupid, did you really think that you could hide from me.

He bowed down and I saw his face, his pale emotionless face and his blank lifeless eyes. I froze and felt something warm trickle down my legs, I didn't care though, I had to get out.
I stood up from where I had been kneeling and bolted towards the door, all I could feel after that was his cold hands against my arm as he caught me.

-I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I'm sorry... I heard someone mumble, I looked up and was met with Awstens face, his normal face, not his crazy face. I felt as if a weigh had been lifted from my chest as I pulled MY Awsten into a hug.

-I missed you so much Aws... you were gone for so long this time, a fucking year Awsten...
I mumbled into his chest.

-You know that I can't control it Otto, I just want him gone... I want him dead. Awsten respondes and I felt tears seep into my shirt from where he had his head.

-Aws... that would kill you too... I responded and looked up from where I was pressing my face against his chest.

-I don't care, I hurt you, badly, I don't wanna do that again... He said and took my hand, I hated when he took my hand like that.

All I could do was nod as I took the ritual knife that he held out for me, he wanted me to do it, he wanted me to kill him. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, I couldn't kill him, I love him, I love him with all my heart.

-I can't... I said and dropped the knife on the floor.

-Otto please... He tried

-NO I can't because I love you, I always have and I always will, and killing you would kill me too, I don't want to live without you! I yelled at him and his face turned soft, tears trickled down his cheeks as he pulled me in slowly.

When our lips touched a cold wind blew through the room and a deafening voice cut through the silence.

-YOUVE DEFEATED ME THIS TIME MORTAL, THE NEXT SOUL I STEAL WONT GET OUT SO EASILY. The voice said before the room turned normal again.

-Awsten are you okay...? I asked the blue haired boy who was now sitting on the floor in confusion.

-I, I think  we defeated him, we won Otto, we finally won! He yelled at me, clearly overjoyed.

We walked back home from the dungeon that, "Dark Awsten" as I liked to call that fucking demon that had possessed him, had kept me trapped in for about a year, it was the worst experience of my life, but at least I had my own Awsten back, and I'd make sure that he stayed by my side forever.

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