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Author's note (daw):

Hey guys, this is N.Negative. I would just like to take this moment to thank my first readers and my first voters for keeping up with the story so far. I know there is not a lot of you at this moment but I really feel the need to call you out and thank you for joining this passion project. No matter how few, I am honored that my story has reached someone somewhere, and that once and for all, I get to share a piece of me that I have been hiding behind my imagination for quite a while.

This is the first time I truly decided to focus on writing a novel and a story that uses Filipino as the main language. I personally think that I am the weakest in this area since I used to be more interested in poetry, but that makes this experience even more challenging and exciting. This entire thing is starting to occupy a certain, noticeable spot in my heart, and I could only hope that I can get to write the next chapters exactly as how it makes me feel.

If you have been bored by the story so far, I hope I can try my best to change how you see it in the next chapters. If you can share something that would contribute to my growth as an aspiring writer, it would be highly appreciated and it would be a big help from my part. If in any case, you came to like what you were reading, I can only hope to value that appreciation by trying even harder to improve.

The next events will (hopefully) give us hints of the extent of our characters' real depth. There is a LOT to be revealed in the upcoming chapters and I wish you can bear with me if I cannot write it as good as I hoped it to be.

Expect that you will see more of who they believed they are, who they really are, and who they can pretend to be. Expect to occassionally hate them, and maybe, witness how both devastation and bliss can define who they are about to become. But most of all, what I’m really wishing for is that you can get to see a part of you in these characters. And my goal is to turn them not just into your ideal, noble protagonists, but as human and as realistic as possible.

Before I end, let me just tell everyone that when Rynn talked about wattpad, she wasn’t talking to Kuya Jasper, or to her classmates. She was talking to you; to all of us. Let us not be disheartened by the lack of appreciation people give in this little platform that we enjoy, and keep on growing in our craft, no matter how insignificant it may appear to others. And when the time comes that we’ve truly unleashed our potentials, let them ask questions. Let them wonder where we learned to read, and what tools we used to be a better writer. And then, with all confidence, let us all look straight into their eyes and tell them:

It’s wattpad.

See you in the next chapters!

With much gratitude,
N. Negative

His Innocent SecretTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon