Two Heroes, Three Servants: Chapter 1

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Hello readers! First of all, if you haven't read Sagittarius please go and read that before you read this: this is a side story to that one that covers the Movie "Two Heroes" and it could get very confusing without the context of that story. If you have read it, then Hi! Welcome to the start of the "Two Heroes" Arc. There's no official timeline in where this and the special episode that came as the lead-in to the movie are, but I would assume it's before the summer camp so there! That's the new timeline.

Anywho, I don't own anything.

Uh, there's gonna be chaos and a Surprise™ that will show up in the main story later.


The incident at the mall blew over quicker than the incident with Stain. Gray and Midoriya had both been questioned by the police before Chiron had arrived with Yagi and the Elder Todoroki at the Mall. Of course, the building had been shut down and the Flame Hero ended up being the man to take or get the other kids a ride home (he glared the entire time, according to Astolfo). Yagi and himself had gone to the station with Gray and Midoriya and waited for them.

Nonetheless, the incident with Shigaraki came and went quickly without too much of a fuss— students were quite excited for the summer training camp, after all.

Chiron himself had chosen not to go, since he would be working with Yagi and Todoroki Enji, but both Gray and Astolfo were happy to join their classmates.

In truth, even after three days of sleeping and then another one and a half with bedrest on Recovery Girl's orders, Chiron was still a bit sore from taking Gray's Noble Phantasm at such a close proximity. He was glad he was only sore, though. It could have been much worse.

He had given Yagi a written apology for scaring him half to death too.

But with that out of mind, Chiron could relax a bit. There were other, smaller things to attend to.

Chiron smiled, brushing his bangs out of his face as the warm, summer breeze gusted through his hair gently.

The arrival at the I-Island Expo had been that day.

Chiron had been invited twice before but had rejected it every time due to the bad timing. The first time he had been in the middle of helping out the Greek embassy with something, the second time he was vacationing in Alaska. And by vacationing he meant he was being a hermit for a few months to avoid over curious Mages. There were also dogs there, and he was more than happy to help out the local town he was staying in then. He'd rather have been there than at some stuffy party.

The only reason he had agreed to come this time was because of two reasons.

Both of which were with him currently.

The Archer shook his head with a smile as he watched as Astolfo happily skipped ahead of him and Gray. I-Island was an interesting place for sure. With very little restrictions on Quirks, it resembled the Western World quite a bit in that sense. And with the expo going on, there were more than enough people and Heroes with odd appearances. Despite the way that Quirks worked, Chiron knew his true appearance was a bit strange to more than a few others— he also didn't care, but too many people staring at him was annoying. He was glad that both Greece and Japan had gotten used to him, for the most part.

"There are a number of attractions and demonstrations are going on before the party and opening to the public," he told Gray, the girl nodding as Astolfo continued to look at everything ahead of them. "They're also more relaxed than Japan is about Quirks, so don't be afraid to show off a bit if you want. If anyone asks, remember to tell them that you have Mechanical manipulation to Add's Code Metal. I don't think the loosely fabricated statement of a fourth class of Quirks would hold up here."

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