Two Heroes, Three Servants: Chapter 3

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There were two hundred floors total and by floor fifty, Chiron had noticed some of the children slowing down.

He, Gray, and Astolfo lead the group, their Servant abilities and stamina outranking the others. And if any villains appeared in front, they would be met with a scythe, a lance, and many arrows.

Iida, Midoriya, and Todoroki were right behind them with Uraraka, Melissa, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari after them. Mineta brought up the rear as the group ran.

Somewhere along the line, Chiron had ditched his suit, shifting into his Servant, though still human, form. He could outspeed any of them in his true form, but he was hoping that being near them would be enough to keep them safe. Or at least from getting killed.

That, of course, prompted questions from Melissa, which He, Gray, and Astolfo answered as vaguely as they could.

The group hit their real roadblock on floor seventy-nine. Chiron slowed to a halt, gazing up at the metal doors blocking their way before he turned over his shoulder.

"The route's blocked," he told Astolfo and Gray as the students joined them, "We've reached a dead end."

"Should we break through it?" Todoroki asked and Melissa shook her head.

"That would only alert them that someone's here," She said. Chiron nodded, thinking before he waked up and placed a hand on the door.

"Solid steel..." he murmured, "About half a foot thick and locked tight."

"Do you think we should just go into our spirit forms and slip through?" Astolfo asked, joining him. His tone was just as quiet before cries from Midoriya, Melissa, and Gray made them turn. Mineta had pulled a latch on a wall, making a door open. Chiron groaned internally.

This child was worse than Jason and Achilles combined— at least Achilles and Jason paid attention to the "don't touch if it's dangerous" rule, this child didn't have an ounce of common sense it seemed.

Common sense dictated that pulling a random latch would be bad no matter what situation they were in, but evidently this boy didn't realize that.

He sighed before he nodded to the other students and lead them through the door.

"The villains know we're here now," he told them as they ran through the hall. "Be on your guard! I'm authenticating combat in self-defense for all of your Quirks because of this!"


"Thank you, Sensei!" the students called up as they ran.

"Kaminari," he added, sparing a glance back. "Watch Mineta, make sure he doesn't pull a stunt like that again. Common sense dictates that pulling any random latch would alert the enemy. Mineta, pull something that could endanger all of us again and I'll make sure you're expelled after this."

"Yes, sir!" Kaminari barked and Mineta swallowed, uttering something on how 'he didn't have the authority to do that' since he wasn't a "real teacher".

That child was going to get himself killed or fired if he kept that attitude up in the professional world.

"Is there another way up?" Gray asked Melissa and the blonde nodded.

"Yes!" the girl said between pants. "There's an emergency staircase on the other end of the hallway!"

"Then let's hurry!" Iida said. Almost as soon as the boy had said those words the metal gates designed for dealing in fires started closing in front and behind them.

"Todoroki! Iida! Gray!" Chiron ordered and the three nodded. A blast of ice stopped the gate from closing and Iida and Gray leaped through. The two blasted a door open on the other side as Chiron helped the others through the gate.

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