Two Heroes, Three Servants: 6

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The final stretch. Also I'm procrastinating on working on school work so here's this chapter.


The wind whistled in Astolfo's ears as he rode Hippogriff up the side of the tower. As soon as the system had been set back online, Gray had told him to get to Midoriya and Melissa. He would be the fastest, after all. He had agreed and taken off immediately after Chiron had assured them that he and the others were fine where they were.

The Rider urged the mythical beast to go faster as they flew, his lance already in hand.

"LET HIM GO!" Astolfo winced a bit, hearing Midoriya's shout. His heart twisted at the anguish in his classmate's words and Hippogriff flew faster.


Hippogriff screeched as something rocketed past them up the outer wall.

"Whoa- what was- Is that All Might!?" Astolfo cried as he shielded his face from the gust of wind and tugged on Hippogriff's reins to steady the beast. It only gave a disgruntled squawk in return.

"Don't you dare lose that smile! Alright, Young Midoriya?!" the Rider heard and he sighed.

Yeah, it was All Might.

"It's fine now! Do you know why?" the number one hero prompted and Astolfo landed on the roof, running over to Melissa. The blonde girl gave him a grateful look as he pulled her to her feet, brushing dirt from her face.


He turned, watching as All Might shot through the helicopter, breaking it in half. He grunted as he shielded his eyes from the explosion that followed.

"Holy cow," he uttered, grinning a bit as All Might landed next to them with the professor in his arms.

"Papa!" Melissa ran over to them and Astolfo and Midoriya joined her, Hippogriff trotting over as well.

"Everything will be okay," All Might said, still grinning.

"I'm so sorry..." The professor said weakly, glancing between All Might and Melissa.

"Don't be," Astolfo cut him off as he glanced over, "Save it for when you're safe."

"But, this was my—"

The professor was cut off as a metal pillar slammed into All Might, sending him flying.

"All Might!"

Astolfo lunged forwards, grabbing the professor and holding onto him as he leaped out of the way of another pillar. He held the man as he leaped and dodged wires and a third pillar before a fourth slammed into him. He felt his breath leave his lungs and his grip on the professor loosen as he was tossed into the air.

"Astolfo!" Midoriya cried and Melissa screamed as wires wrapped around David's torso. The man was jerked from his grasp with a cry of pain and engulfed inside of a Quirk-Made monstrosity.

He landed with a painful thud, groaning and feeling his side. His ribs were cracked again and he hauled himself to his feet, Hippogriff circling above him before landing with its wings splayed in a defensive way. Astolfo pat it, gasping to regain the breath he had lost.

"I heard Sam!" the villain crowed, "All Might's quirk is failing him! He doesn't have the same unstoppable power he once did!"

"He's using the professor's device," A voice said and Astolfo looked behind him at a familiar blonde's face.

"Sab— Musashi?" he gasped, "What are you doing here? The Grail War ended like, a week ago!"

"That's what I was told," she said, "I'll have to explain it later, but I'm not the same "Musashi" you knew about from the Grail War. Just like your Assassin friend, I'm a bit of an abnormality. I was suddenly transported here and was sitting back and observing everything since I didn't know what was going on. But... that redheaded prick, Wolfram, I think, he was gonna kill those kids. I just finished dealing with that guy's underling, we can talk later but the main issue is that ugly mug up there."

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