Two Heroes, Three Servants: Chapter 2

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I'm going ahead and posting this anyways because uhhhhh yeah. So two chapters. I'm gonna be updating this at the normal "every Friday or whenever I want" schedule. So ye.


Chiron found Astolfo and Gray standing in a blocked off stairwell with a number of his other students (Midroiya included) and a blonde-haired girl he didn't recognize. Based on facial structure, though, she might be related to David Shield. He did recall All Might telling him that a friend of his had a daughter, so perhaps this was it?

The Archer's sudden appearance coming up the stairs startled all of the students, but looks of relief crossed their faces. They appeared to have been in the middle of a heated, but hushed conversation upon his arrival.

"I take it you realize what's happening then?" Chiron asked as the students settled down. Some nodded, Mineta looked ready to cry with relief as Todoroki gazed down at his hand.

"Who is this, Deku?" the blonde girl asked and Chiron smiled a bit.

"I'm Chiron, I'm one of their teachers. I was actually just down in the reception hall," he said simply. Midoriya let out a breath.

"We thought you'd be here if Gray and Astolfo were," he said before he shifted. "How bad is it, Sensei?" He asked and Chiron sighed.

"It's bad," he said, running a hand through his hair. "And in all honesty, my gut feeling is to tell all of you children to wait here while myself, Gray, and Astolfo resolve this."

Both Midoriya and Todoroki gave him a look that was somewhere between shock and betrayal. He knew those two were the most likely to want to break the rules to help others. The unknown blonde girl just looked confused.

"Um- Why would you take Astolfo and Gray? They're students too, right?"

"Here in Japan, yeah," Astolfo said as he dusted the skirt of his dress off. "But in France, I'm registered as a hero."

Gray nodded a bit. "Same for me, but for England."

The blonde nodded slowly, "Okay, but even if you did go up there, Mister Chiron, you wouldn't be able to work the security system."

"I suppose you're right," he sighed. "Meaning everything just got a bit more complicated."

"Take me with you then," she said, placing a hand on her chest, "I'm Melissa Shield, David Shield's daughter and a resident and student here. I'm familiar with the security system, so, please...! I want to help..."

"I want to help too!" Midoriya said, standing up with a determined look. "I want to save them! They have All Might tied up down there. I know you're strong Sensei, but I just don't feel right sitting by and doing nothing while you, Gray, Astolfo, and Melissa are risking your lives like that."

"You wanna go fight those villains!?" Mineta yelled and not for the first time did Chiron wonder if the boy was really cut out for hero work. It was natural for someone to be afraid of villains, but the boy didn't have that same drive that the rest of the class had. It was troubling.

"Did you not learn anything from the USJ Midoriya!" he continued and Chiron sighed.

He wasn't sure if, in a battle against some of the worst of the Greek monsters from the ancient days, Jason or Mineta would die first.

He would never say it out loud, but his money was on Mineta. At least Jason had a sword. And Medea. Even if Medea hated his guts, she would begrudgingly help him at least a little bit.

"This is totally different," the green-haired boy reasoned and Iida turned to him, about to protest. Astolfo cut him off as he cleared his throat.

"We don't have to fight the villains," he told them. "We can avoid them as we go to get the security system back online, right? As soon as the other heroes are released, our job is done. If we run into the villains, then myself, Sensei, and Gray can take them on."

Kaminari looked skeptical. "That's one thing to say, but you and I both know that it won't be that easy."

"You can't go through life looking for an easy route," Chiron pointed out, arms crossed as he looked over the students. "Miss Shield, you said you can work the security system, right? I can assume you know where it is?"

She nodded. "Yes, it's on the top floor of this building," she told him, "If these criminals managed to take control of it, then the passwords and authentication locks have been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the radar of the villains until then."

"Right," he nodded, thinking for a moment. "From what has happened to you, or rather, what hasn't, I can guess that the system doesn't have cameras in the stairwells. The halls might be different, or it could simply be that the system doesn't realize we're missing and the villains don't know how it works yet."

"So we avoid fighting them and get this place back to normal," Gray said, tilting her head a bit before nodding. "It could work."

Sparks of courage lit up in the others' eyes— barring Mineta— as Jiro and Kaminari both nodded.

"Let's do it, then. I know that you, me, and Chiron can at least hold off some of the bigger bad guys if it comes down to it," Astolfo said. Yaoyorozu and Iida both still looked unsure before Chiron clapped his hands, grabbing the children's attention as he spoke again.

"Many of our enemies are going to be gathered up there if they're not downstairs with the other Heroes," he told them. "Are you prepared to take this challenge if getting into a fight is inevitable?"

The two-class reps shared a look as Midoriya and a few others nodded.

"Let's do it!" Uraraka said, "I don't want to sit around here being helpless!"

"Sensei," Iida said, making Chiron glance over to the bespectacled boy. "Are you sure?"

"If I say no, they would follow me anyways," He told the boy. "I would rather know that they're all with me and following my orders instead of recklessly following me without any idea what they're getting in. I will take full responsibility for any actions and fighting that may happen, so don't worry."

Iida nodded slowly, mulling over his words.

"Very well, I'll trust your judgment then," he said, adjusting his glasses, "Count me in."

Both Todoroki and Jiro joined them, as did Kaminari and Yaoyorozu. Gray and Astolfo both shifted into their battle attire once the majority of the students agreed to the plan, Add changing into a scythe at Gray's command. Melissa had been startled at the transformation but smiled when Astolfo gave her a grin.

Mineta agreed eventually through the tears.

"Right," Chiron said, turning to the students and Melissa. "We need to hurry then. We have a limited window of time in order to pull this off."

"Wait," Midoriya said, "I'm going to tell All Might."

Chiron gazed at him before he nodded. "Be quick. I'll start leading the rest up, catch up when you're done. Astolfo, go with him."

"Right~" The Rider said, grinning before the two broke off from the group, running down the stairs to the balcony that overlooked the reception hall.

The Archer turned without another word. "Let's get going, then."

His students and Melissa all nodded, determined looks across their faces.



Sorry Mineta fans, whoever you are, but this will have more bashing than usual for him. Since Chiron is actively involved with him and the others. And by 'than usual' I mean like. There's hardly been any in the main story. Oop. If you're curious, Astolfo was wearing his Apocrypha Formal Wear from the anime (an Epilauge or something? I'm not sure, it was art) and Gray's in the green-blue dress that Reines put her into in Casefiles.

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