Two Heroes, Three Servants: Chapter 5

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Second chapter for today.


Astolfo's sudden appearance startled Midoriya, Uraraka, and Melissa.

"Astolfo! If you're here then-!?" Midoriya asked but was cut off as Astolfo summoned Hippogriff to him.

"Chiron arrived as we were overwhelmed, he told me to go on ahead and help you guys," he said softly, shivering a bit. "I've seen Chiron angry before, but I don't think he's been that angry in a while. He's always been a patient person, I think the stress of needing to keep everyone safe is starting to wear on him."

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked softly as Astolfo pet his familiar.

"A lot of stuff is happening behind the scenes I can't tell you about, but between the USJ, Stain, and now this? I think if something else happened to you students he might actually kill a person," he told her softly before he shook his head. "Enough of that, though! What is this place, Melissa?" he asked and she gazed up a bit at the towering fans above them.

"The wind-power generator," Melissa answered, "There are more robots in the tower, probably just waiting for a chance to encounter us, but if we climb to the top from the outside, we'll completely avoid them. There's an emergency exit we can enter." She pointed up and Astolfo frowned, eyes narrowing as he gazed at the small door several stories above them.

Hippogriff could carry two people at max, so he could take Melissa and go. Only, by doing that he would be leaving Uraraka and Midoriya on the ground. He could take Melissa and then return for Midoriya, then Uraraka or vice versa, but that would leave Melissa alone up there too.

"We have Ochaco," the blonde said softly, "Your quirk makes anything you touch weightless, right? So this should be easy... and Astolfo, you have Hippogriff, right?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding before he gazed at the girl. She was trembling, eyes showing that she wasn't thrilled with the plan, but there was nothing else that could work.

"Hippogriff," he said after a moment, patting the beast's neck. The beast clicked its beak, already seeming to catch onto what he was thinking.

"Take Midoriya and Melissa up first," he continued, "Uraraka can ride on my back and she can at least get us up partway, I think. Then Hippogriff can come to pick us up."

The three gazed at him before they nodded and Midoriya and Melissa climbed onto Hippogriff. The beast clicked its beak before taking off into the sky. Uraraka moved over to Astolfo, but the two were stopped as a door opened to the side and both of them whirled around.

"Yikes," he said before he materialized his lance, seeing the robots start to swarm out from the inside. "We won't make it up in time, even with your Quirk and my speed. Are you up for a fight, Uraraka?" he asked and the girl nodded, a determined look in her eyes.

"Of course!" she said and he grinned.

"Right! Let's go!" he cried before he rushed towards the robots with his lance, swinging it and slamming into the first wave. Fragments and parts of metal flew off and towards Uraraka and she instantly took advantage of the parts. Using her Quirk, she levitated the bits of metal and rained them down on the robots approaching.

He grinned before he slammed his lance into more of them, careful to avoid the cables that they shot at him. A scream from the brown-haired girl made him whirl back around, eyes wide. A number of robots managed to get past him and overcome Uraraka's attacks, rushing at her. He turned, moving to leap towards her before an explosion blocked his sight of her.


An explosion?

He let out a breath of relief as Bakugou arrived on the scene with the others. A wave of ice and arrows of blue light made him beam as Todoroki, Kirishima, and Gray ran up to the two of them.

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