Chapter 18 - Transformation

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~{ Sarah's POV}~

As I followed Laito deep into the woods, the burning in my throat got more intense.

" Can we speed this up? " I croaked.

" We have to find a animal for you. " Laito said.

" I thought you drank human's blood? " I asked confused.

" I do. But (y/n) would prefer that you don't. " Laito said.

I could only nod as the burning got worse.

We ended up finding a deer running away from a wolf.

" The wolf. " Laito said.

" HOW!? " I frantically screamed.

" You'll know. " Laito said back.

I chased after the wolf but it seemed like I was flying. I looked down and I could barely see my feet, I was moving so fast.

I caught up to the wolf and lounged at it.

When we fell to the ground I sunk my fangs into its fluffy neck.

I started to feel the pain in my throat start to go away.

I wanted to cry. I love wolfs, and I just killed one.

" I want to cry so bad. " I told Laito as I stood and backed away from the Wolf's limp body.

" You can't. I know this might be hard for you cupcake but this is your life now. " Laito said .

I looked at him and smirked.

" (Y/n) said you were mean and a pervert. " I said.

" I'm not a pervert... " Laito started to say.

Laito leaned down to my ear and said ; " But I can show you many positive sides to being a supernatural creature. "

I started to blush because his voice was low and deep. It lowkey made me hot. If you know what I mean.

" I have great stamina. Which is good for sex. Let me know if you want a demonstration. " Laito said with smirk.

I playfully punched his arm as I sped off to the "house".

~ { Shu's POV}~

I paced back and forth in my room, trying to figure out how I could bite her with out dying.

" Maybe in her sleep. No that wouldn't work her body would sense me. " I thought to myself.

" I could disguise myself. Nope her body would still know it's me. " I thought to myself.

" I could just do it quickly. It's worth a try. " I said to myself.

While she was in practice I will do it.

~{ Y/n' s POV}~

I showered and got ready for my practice.

I stopped by Sarah's room before I headed to the forbidden room.

When I walked into her room she wasn't in there so I just headed to our practice spot.

" I'm here guys. " I said.

" Hey. " Subaru said.

" Let's get started. " Rejji said.

" Today you are going to learn how to control your emotions so basically the weather. " Rejji said.

Subaru punched a wall which scared me.

I saw lighting flash outside the window.

" This going to be a long night. " Subaru said.

I sighed.


In the middle of my practice the door opened and I saw Shu.

" GO AWAY! " I yelled.

Shu sped towards me.

Before I could protest Shu grabbed me by my waist and Bit into my neck.

I did hurt and first but then I felt my knees get weak and I fell into Shu's chest.

" Shu... " I whispered before I blacked out.

~{ Shu's POV}~

Her blood tastes like posion.

I have finally push through it.

Now it tastes sweet.

Deliciously sweet.

I had to finish the transformation before I get too carried away.

As I finished the transformation, I took my fangs out of her neck and picked her up bridal style.

I took (y/n) to my room and laid her in my bed, as I got a bandage for her neck.

I bandaged her neck and covered her up in the covers.

I kissed her forehead and said ; " I love you. I can't wait until you wake up. "

1 week later...

~{ Y/n 's POV}~

When I woke up all my memories from the night Shu bit me came back to me.

I felt stronger.

Even stronger than before.

I got up but instantly fell to my knees.

I was thirsty.

I jumped out the window and found a sick animal.

I drank it blood and felt bad after.

I jumped back in the window and heard yelling.

" SHE'S GONE REJJI! SHE'S FUCKING GONE! " I heard Shu yelled.

I tapped his shoulder.

" I'm right here. " I said as I kissed his lips.

At this particular moment, I felt finally at peace with the world.


A/n : Sorry that this chapter took so long. I've been busy with school. Which seems like this always my excuse but I really do be busy. Ima do better tho. HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER MY BEAUTIFUL READERS!
I love each and every one of you.

Word count : 796

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