Chapter 14 - Past Pain

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~{ y/n's POV}~

As I looked around, I noticed I wasn't at the sakamaki mansion anymore.

I was in what looked like a park. There wasn't anyone there. I continued to scan my surroundings, until I saw a familiar body shape.

I walked over to it and saw Shu.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. More like I tried.
My hand went right through him.

As if on cue, Shu turned around and I could see this beautiful girl. She had pale skin, pink lips, and freckles.

Her glasses were black and her long blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

I could've promised you that Shu looked at me.

" What's wrong?" The girl asked.

" Nothing babe. " Shu said as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

I felt my eyes fill with years as I felt my cheeks get wet. I walked back from the scene and when I tripped on a stick, and landed on my butt, I was back in the sakamaki mansion.

I felt pain in my back as I turned around and saw I had bumped into the bookshelf.

I stood up and picked all the books up. I placed the journal back where I found it and walked out of the room.

Tears were falling from my eyes uncontrollably from my eyes.

I haven't cries this hard since my mom.

My mom died 3 years ago from cancer. Seeing her life slowly being drained away from her was probably more painful than her death.

My mom was my everything. Yes I was pissed when my dad remarried last year. I felt like it was a smack in the face time mom.

But I realized she would want us happy.

Then a thought hit me.

" What if that was the past? Shu liked a little younger if that was possible. The park did look like it was older. " I thought to myself.

I wiped my eyes as I walked down the hallway to Shu's room when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a room.

" What did you see? " The voice said.

I quickly recognized his voice.

" Subaru. " I said.

" I saw you go into the forbidden room, and then minutes later I hear a thud and then you come out crying. " Subaru said.

" I saw Shu with a girl. I think it's his past. " I said.

" You might be the girl from the legend. " Subaru said like he was deep in thought.

" What legend? " I asked.

" Well talk later. Tomorrow night, go to the room, we will figure out what you saw then. Act normal. Dont talk to anyone else about this. Especially Shu and Rejji. " Subaru said as he teleported our of the room.

I sighed as I walked to Shu's room. As soon as I walked in, I could tell bee knew something was up.

~{ Shu's POV}~

When (y/n) walked into my room, I could see her eyes were red and puffy as if she were crying.

" What's wrong? " I asked as ( y/n) pulled the covers back and laid down next to me.

" Nothing. I just miss my mom. " ( y/n) said.

" Can I know what you mean? " I asked confused.

" My mom died 3 years ago. " ( y/n) said.

" I'm sorry. " I said.

" It's ok. " (Y/n) said.

I pulled her into my chest and I could hear her softly sobbing.

I didn't know what to do. We can't cry here. I never comforted Yui so I was confused because I didn't know what to do.

I just held her in my arms but when I would kiss the top of her head she would flinch so I knew something was up.

I ingored it and rubbed her shoulder. When the sobbing stopped, I let her rest her head on my bare chest, which I don't think she realized.

Finally sleep took over me and we laid in my bed cuddling. Usually, I would be happy, but something was off about ( y/n) and I'm going to figure it out.

A/n - Hello my Beautiful Readers! Sorry I took a long time for this short ass chapter but I've been busy. Hope you like it even though it's short.

Word count : 710

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