Part 2

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Should've putted this on the last chapter but!! Here's a warning. I've only watched like what... 4 episodes of Black Butler so sorry if I get anything wrong about Sebastian. 

When Naruto woke up, he instantly realised that he wasn't in a familiar place. He shot up from his laying position but flinched in pain. 

"Ah, young master, I've prepared a bath for you and breakfast is almost ready. Do you need assistance in the bathroom?" asked Sebastian after he opened the door. Naruto blinked and looked at Sebastian.

"So it wasn't a dream," muttered Naruto. Sebastian smiled.

"Of course not, sir," said Sebastian. He picked out Naruto's clothes for the day. Naruto got out of bed and followed Sebastian to the bathroom. 

"Here you are, young master," said Sebastian placing the clothes down on the side. Naruto began to get undressed without hissing in pain.

"Sebastian," said Naruto.

"Yes young master?" asked Sebastian.

"Carry on preparing breakfast, I'll be down in 10 minutes," said Naruto. Sebastian nodded and took his leave. Once he was clothes free, Naruto step into the bath, flinching as the hot water hit him.

"So this is what hot water feels like while having a bath," Naruto muttered. 

After his bath and getting ready, Naruto headed to the dinning room to have his breakfast. Sebastian came in with some food and tea. 

"Here you are sir," said Sebastian. Naruto looked at the food that was placed in front of him. 

"Thank you, Sebastian," said Naruto before eating. After breakfast, Naruto picked up his cup of tea.

"What's the plans for today?" asked Naruto before drinking.

"Well I asked Lord third to give you double your allowance, in order to buy the things you'll need for training. Last night, I gave him a note saying that you'll join the ninja academy later then everyone else," said Sebastian.

"Alright. By the way, where are we?" asked Naruto, looking at Sebastian. 

"We're at your parents house. I told the Hokage that you'll be living here. Anyway, young master, why don't you go and explore the place while I get your things for training?" smiled Sebastian.

"Sure, but what are you training me in?" asked Naruto.

"Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, how to be the perfect head for the Uzumaki and Namikaze clan, and how to dress properly," said Sebastian before leaving with the cart of the dirty dishes and tea. Naruto got out of his seat and went looking around. He found the kitchen, the training rooms, his father's study, his baby room (Which he rolled a tear for), his parents room, his new room, the relaxing room, a meeting room, library and some empty bedrooms.

"It's all clean. How did he manage to do all of this?" Naruto asked himself as he entered his father's, no.... his study room.

(With Sebastian)

Sebastian walked through the village. Females looked at him with love hearts in their eyes and males looked at him wit jealously. Sebastian entered the weapons store (Tenten's family store).

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" asked Shin (Tenten's father). 

"Hello sir. I'm looking for a sword suited for a 4 year old. It has the be sharp but not too sharp. I'm also looking for 500 kunais and 500 shuurikens. Sharp. 4 weights. Oh and do you seal, 20 sealing ink bottles and scrolls?" asked Sebastian.

"Yes we do but are you sure you want a sharp sword for a 4 year old?" asked Shin.

"Oh, I'm positive," smiled Sebastian. Shin nodded and got everything for Sebastian while Sebastian had a look around. 

Oh for money, I'll be using pounds since I'm from the UK.

"Here you are sir. £127.98 for the katana. £50 for each kunai and shuuriken. £50000 for the both of them. £40 for each weights, so £16000 How many scrolls did you want?" asked Shin.

"Around 100," said Sebastian. 

"So scrolls are £60 each. £60000 for the scrolls. 20 inks are £100, so that would be £20000. All together that is £290127.98," said Shin. Sebastian gave him the money, tooked the things and headed for the door.

"Keep the change," said Sebastian. 

Sebastian went to the clothing store for Naruto's training clothes which was just a black top, black shorts, black shoes, black bandanna and black wristbands. After buying the clothes, Sebastian headed back to the mansion to find Naruto. He went into the study room and found Naruto sorting out everything and putting the things he doesn't want into a box, for storage just in chase he needs them in the future. 

"Young master, I have returned. Would you like to start you training?" asked Sebastian. 

"Sure, lets get this over with," said Naruto. He walked past Sebastian.

"Okay sir, but I need to remind you," said Sebastian. Naruto stopped.

"What?" asked Naruto.

"It will be hell," said Sebastian.

"So long as I get stronger to protect those close to me and get my revenge on that man, I don't care how hard it is," said Naruto. Sebastian smirked.

"Well young master, lets begin," said Sebastian. 

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