Part 4

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It was time for team replacements and Naruto was getting ready to leave.

"Sebastian," said Naruto.

"Yes, young master?" said Sebastian.

"I want you to stay here and keep those idiots from wrecking my mansion," said Naruto.

"Of course sir but what if you're in serious danger?" asked Sebastian with a smile.

"You know as well as I do, that you're always with me, so if I'm in danger you'll be with me in a heartbeat," said Naruto before leaving. Sebastian smiled before tidying the place and sorting out the other three. 

Naruto went into the classroom and sat down at the back of the classroom, next to the window. He sat there, waiting for Iruka to get here while ignoring his new comrades. When Iruka came into the room, he had papers in his hand. He began telling the students what team they were in.

"Team seven is Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki ********," said Iruka but his eye widened when he tried to pronounce 'Namikaze'. Naruto's head rested on his knuckle as he smirked.

"But Iruka-sensei, they isn't no one who goes by Naruto Uzumaki," said Sakura.

"Actually Sakura, check behind you," said Iruka pointing at a smirking Naruto. All of the girls blushed and some of the boys growled in jealousy. 

"Rookie of the year and Kunoichi of the year, huh?" thought Naruto as he closed his left eye. Naruto drowned out Iruka's voice and fell asleep in the chair only to be woken up by Sakura screaming.

"You're late!" shouted Sakura. Naruto's deep blue eye stared into Kakashi's dark-coloured eye. 

"Well, my first impression of you is... you're boring and I hate you. Meet me on the roof," Kakashi said before teleporting away. Sasuke grumbled and got up, walking out of the door with Sakura following him like a lost puppy.

"Just like Pluto following Sebastian," Naruto whispered. He got up and opened the window. He jump up to the roof and landed on the railing, scaring the shit out of Kakashi.

"How did you get up here so fast?" asked Kakashi. Naruto's serious left eye met with Kakashi's lazy right eye.

"I jumped," Naruto simply said. Naruto jump up and landed sitting down on the railing. When Sasuke and Sakura arrive, they stared shockingly at Naruto before sitting on the stairs. 

"Well then, let's start off with introductions," said Kakashi. 

"Huh? What are we meant to say?" asked Sakura. Naruto sighed quietly.

"Has she never introduced herself?" thought Naruto.

"Names, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams, those types of things," said Kakashi.

"Why don't you go first?" asked Sakura. Kakashi sighed, seeing no way out of it.

"Fine. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are classified. I don't have a dream. As for my hobbies, well you're too young to know," smiled Kakashi making Sasuke and Sakura deadpan. Naruto just simply raised a brow. 

"You pinky, why don't you go first?" smirked Kakashi. Sakura pouted at the nickname.

"I'm Sakura Haruno. My likes are *giggles*. My hobbies are *giggles*. My dream for the future *squeals*. I hate Ino!" she said. Naruto pinched his nose in frustration.

"Girls like her, think more about looks and appearance then training," Naruto and Kakashi thought. 

"Okay, emo," said Kakashi. Making Sasuke and Sakura glare at him. 

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I no likes and I hate a lot of things. What my dream is no dream but a reality... I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone," Sasuke said darkly.

"Revenge isn't always the answer, I know I'm out for revenge but I also have another goal unlike you," thought Naruto. 

"Sasuke's so cool," thought Sakura with a blush.

"Just as I thought," thought Kakashi.

"Okay eye patch, you're up," said Kakashi. Naruto sighed and crossed his arms and moved his left leg on top of his right leg.

"Is he a chick or is it a habit?" thought Kakashi.

"My name is Naruto Namikaze. I like dogs and tea. I hate cats. My hobbies are reading. My dream is to avenge my parents and protect the people I care about," said Naruto with seriousness in his voice unlike Sasuke. 

"He's like me," thought Sasuke with wide eyes.

"Stop trying to copy Sasuke-kun, Naruto-baka," thought Sakura.

"His parents? He knows about Minato-sensei and Kushina?" thought Kakashi.

"Well those are interesting goals you all have," said Kakashi. He began explaining the test with only a high rate of failing. 

"Meet me at training grounds 7, oh and don't eat breakfast or you'll puke," said Kakashi before disappearing to go straight to the Hokage to ask about Naruto knowing his parents. Naruto rolled his eyes and jumped off the roof to go home. Sasuke went straight home and Sakura decided to stalk him. 

When Naruto got in he saw Sebastian waiting for him.

"Welcome home, young master," smiled Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I want you to find everything about a Jounin named Kakashi Hatake and give it to me in my office," ordered Naruto. Sebastian nodded and left to go find information about Kakashi. Naruto went straight to his office and saw a naked white haired man, sleeping on the sofa.

"Pluto," thought Naruto as he sat down with his arms crossed and glared at the wall.

"Who are you, Kakashi Hatake?" thought Naruto. 

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