Chapter 2:

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A/N: Hey everyone I'm back and with a chapter 2!!! So far I've gotten a few views. So guys if you like my story please tell your Wattpad friends about it! Also I still need help deciding if Hope and Cal should have a future relationship. Please comment to help me decide! Enough of me talking so enjoy the chapter!

                                                                                      Thirteen Years later...
    "Master Kestis, it's too hard I can't do it." I saw myself. At least little eight year old me with my Master. I had a tan padawan training outfit on. We were in deep in a forest on a planet called Cascro. Cascro was a peaceful planet that the Empire thought was useless and left the people and it untouched. It had very green and luscious vegetation.
I was trying so hard to run across a stone cliff and then pull a vine towards me. "What's your name?" My Master asked. "You know my name." I reply. "Yes but the question is do you." I was very confused. "Yes it's Hope." I looked at him with confusion. "Exactly. It's Hope and hope is something you must always have. I bet you that's why your parents named you that. When things get rough you must learn to never give up." He said in a serious but encouraging manner. "I understand Master I won't let you down." I turned and looked at the wall with determination. "I know you won't."
I was getting ready to attempt my training task again but all of the sudden a speeder want shooting by. I looked over at Master Kestis who was now laying on the ground. With BD-1 by his side. BD hopped on my back while I bent down shook him, and yelled, "Master! Master! No please don't leave I can't loose you too." The speeder had pulled over and on it was a Mandalorian. I knew this couldn't be good since he was a bounty hunter. He was probably working for the Empire. He got off and started to head towards me with a stun gun in hand.
I started to grab Master Kestis's lightsaber when Cere yelled, "Hope get behind me!" She came up out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist pulling me behind her. "Cere let me help!" I pleaded. "You don't understand Hope!" Cere said in frustration as she shot her blaster at the Mandalorian and ignited her lightsaber that she stoll from an inquisitor. "Merrin grab Hope and take her back to the Mantis. Tell Greez to get the ship ready." I fought as Merrin used her magic to force me back to the Mantis. I turn and struggle to get out of her grasp and help. But all I saw was Cere getting beaten by the Mandalorian and her retreating. We all knew that she would have died if she continued to fight. But I wouldn't give up I continued to fight and struggle. "Noooooo!"
I open my eyes and quickly sat up. I was now awake from the awful nightmare and back in my bed on Tatooine. I looked at the clock that read 12:23. I was now officially nineteen years old. BD hopped into my lap to comfort me. "Sorry I woke you up buddy." He beeped back in response and said it was ok and that he understands.
"Hope did you have the same dream or you say memory again?" I jump still shaky from before. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Master Kenobi said as he sits down next to me. "It's ok Master and yes I can't get it out of my head and I know why Master Kenobi," I pause to process it all for a second,"The Force it's telling me to find him. Please let me go. I'm nineteen now and have finished my training. Plus I have enough credits saved up to buy a small ship and supplies for the trip. I won't be gone long." I beg Master Kenobi.
I know I can save him and it's what the force wants me to do. "How did you get all of these credits and who's going to fly the ship?" He sounded concerned. "You know that I have worked for Zel's father for the past three years and I learned in school how to fly." He looked at me suspiciously, "Well I didn't think that saving up for three years could leave you with so much money." I look down at my bed sheets before answering, "I may have sold the speeder that I fixed up." Obi wan looked shocked. Oh no please say he won't get mad. "Well it certanily seems that you are eager to go, and if the force is guiding you. We will leave at noon."
He said yes oh my goodness I'm coming for you Cal Kestis! Wait, did he say we? "Master did you say we?" "Of course you'll need my help tracking him down and retrieving him."  "Master you know that if Darth Vader finds you he will stop at nothing to kill you." I can't lose anyone else that I care about.  
"I'm not letting you go alone and that is final. I do have one question. How are we going to find him." I have had a plan in mind ever since we learned about Mandalorians in school. "I remember seeing a Nexu crest on the Manadlorians armor. In school they taught us that when a Mandalorian defeats an enemy that they get a crest of the enemy as a symbol of bravery and honor. And Nexus' are native to Cholganna which is known for it's bounty hunters." I told Obi Wan so he wouldn't worry. But I know he can't go with me so I have to leave early this morning without him knowing.

A/N: Hello friends! One more thing I need to tell you all. if you don't know what a Nexu is then I would recommend looking up a picture of it. I also tried to put a picture of one above the chapter. If you have seen Star Wars Attack of the Clones then a Nexu is the animal that Padme fights in the arena when she, Anakin, and Obi Wan are captured. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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