Chapter 13:

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    A/N: Hey everybody! Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out. I have a feeling you guys are going to really like this one. Don't forget to tell other Star Wars fans about it. Enjoy!

I feel terrible. Ahh Hope! You should have told Cal before, and especially not like that! But, it did feel good to get payback on the Mantis crew.  "That was sure something. Huh BD? BD?" Oh right. I'm going to miss that droid. But he's happy with Cal now.
"Hope! Hope! We need to talk!" Cal pushes through the crowd. Oh no I can't talk to him. Now I feel like a coward. I need someone. A light bulb goes off in my head. That's it! I need to go see Zel. I desperately push past people. I feel the force it's trying to tell me something. That's strange I can't hear Cal anymore.
All of the sudden someone grabs my wrist and pulls me into a crack in the wall. They put their hand over my mouth and I reach for my blaster. But, they had already taken my blaster when I wasn't looking. I open my eyes to find a pair of green ones who belong to someone much taller than me. With freckles along their face, and red hair. Cal. "Why didn't you tell me." My heart races. We are really close. Should I be happy about this? Why do I keep getting this feeling? I need to ask Master Kenobi, he'll know what it is.
I stand there frozen. "Hope!" Cal says quietly. "I didn't want to be the one who had to break the news, that you missed the past eleven years, and me growing up." I feel ashamed so I look down at the ground. "I ended up doing it anyway, I'm sorry Cal. I just got frustrated with Cere and them." I don't look up to see a disappointed Cal. I just know he is. I feel his arms wrap around me as he rests his head on mine. I wrap mine around him and we just stand there for a little while without saying a word. This feels nice. Does he know the whole story? Did Cere tell him? Oh well just enjoy the moment while it lasts.
"Hope are you feeling ok?" Huh? "Ya, why?" "Well your heart is beating really fast and you're cheeks are red." Oh my goodness I'm so embarrassed! I break apart from him, and nervously scratch my head in the small space. He ends up staring at me again, and just like last time I do the same. "N-No. I-I'm perfectly fine. Uhh how are you?" Cal smiles and laughs at this. How are you? Really Hope?! Really?! Why would you say that? I'm such a weirdo! I smile and let out a small laugh as well.
BD suddenly comes running and beeping through the crack. Stormtroopers walk by and seem to be looking for something. "Have you seen a pair of droids?" One says to another. Could they be looking for the droids that had escaped in the pod from earlier?
I look back at Cal who has his finger on his lips signaling to me to be quiet. "No, keep looking." The other demanded. The same one seems to eye the crack in the wall and walks forward ready to inspect the people inside. I grab my blaster from Cal, ready to shoot. But something causes the trooper to turn around. I hear a familiar voice, "Sir, I saw two suspicious people with lightsabers run toward docking bay 52." Zel you always got my back! I shake my head and smile as the stormtrooper says, "My men and I will take a look." He rounds them up and they run off to docking bay 52.
I burst out of the crack right into Zel and give him a big hug. "How did you get mixed up with bucket heads?" I smile and say, "I go missing for three days and that's the first thing you say to me?" We pull away from each other and out of the corner of my eye I can see Cal with crossed arms. "I think it'd be best if we go somewhere more private to talk." Those Stormtroopers will be back. "Well it's a good thing I brought my speeder." Zel replies. He points in it's direction and I yell, "I call dibs on driving!" Then run off towards the speeder.  

Zel and I have been bestfriends since I started school on Tatooine, he was the only one who thought my weird, shy, and distant self was in his words "cute". The force led me to the black haired boy with blues eyes and we instantly bonded over our bubble fruit lunches. 

I can hear Zel and Cal race behind me as I hop in the drivers seat and when they come running after me I say, "Welcome to the Navago speeder service. Where will I be taking you two gentlemen." Zel hops in next to me and Cal, with BD latched onto him, in the back. "Wherever the lady would like to go." I reply, "To Uncle Ben's!", pointing my index finger to the sky. Just then blasters bolts zoom by us. "Guess that's my que." I step on the gas pedal and before you know it we are going 250 miles per hour!
"Hope we got company!" Cal yells over the loud sound of the wind. "On it!" I look to my left mirror and find a stormtrooper on a speeder of their own. Following closely behind are two others. I wait till the first one is on my left and slam on the break. Leaving the trooper confused and turning back toward us. I grab my blaster and blow the speeder and him up. The other two are still a little while away, so I get out and grab my lightsaber from my bag next to me. They shoot at Zel's speeder but I jump out making me their new target. They shoot at me but I deflect each one with my lightsaber while running toward one of them.
Soon the speeder is right in front of me and is about to run me over. I jump in the air and flip onto the vehicle slicing and shoving him off. I dig in my pocket to find  small explosive that I had also taken from the mandalorian. I plant it on the side of the speeder. I have ten seconds to ram this sucker into the other stormtrooper. To catch up to him I need to be at least going 300 miles per hour. Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five, I'm at 280... Four, 287...Three,294... Two, 301... One...

A/N: Thank you all soo much for reading, and... I got 231 views! Also, I looked it up and apparently the Star Wars speeders can get up to 310 miles per hour! I wish it was all real! Anyway Happy National Women's Day! Have a good one!

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