Chapter 3:

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A/N: Hola everyone!!! I just couldn't wait to write a chapter 3 and I'm so excited to show you all! I have started to get more views so please if you enjoy the story share it with your fellow Wattpad friends. Also still deciding on the Cal and Hope relationship so please comment if it's a yay or nay idea. I hope you all enjoy the next chapter!
    I sat on my bed still awake three hours later. I slowly get up to make sure I don't make a noise. I change into a dress like white shirt, that is loose with wide flowy sleeves, and I wrap a brown belt around it. I pull a pair of white leggings on, and tan boots that cover more then half my shins. To keep myself warm I grab a dark brown cape and put it on pulling the hood over my head.
    I creep out of my room in the adobe home and into the kitchen. I put some food and water into a gray backpack, that has several pockets and the Jedi seal on it. I pack a few more necessities along with a small pouch containing all of my credits. I silently walk back in my room and write a letter to Master Kenobi, telling him how I couldn't risk loosing him as well. Then another to put on Zel's windowsill to tell him and his father that I will be gone for a while due to something urgent, so I won't be going to work and that I was sorry for the inconvenience.
I bend down and tap BD on the head. He beeped lively after I did so. I held my finger to my lips that told him to be quiet. "Ready to go find Master Kestis BD?" I quietly whisper. He hopped on my back in joy and we made our way out of the hut that I had called home for the past eleven years. By this time the sun was just barely starting to rise. I look at such a beautiful view of the hut made of sand and dirt but very well constructed with the bright sun rising behind it. I hope I get to see this again soon. I'm well aware of how dangerous this mission is.
I turn and start to walk towards the town in search of the man who I had spoke to before about buying a small ship. "Leaving without saying good bye?" I spin back around to find master Kenobi standing with a lightsaber in hand. "I'm not letting you come with me Master and I won't be alone. On the way there I will have BD and on the way back I will have BD and a Jedi with me." I look at him with sadness. "I know, but someone so strong with the force should really have their own lightsaber. He handed me the lightsaber. What?! He's giving me a lightsaber! Endless questions run through my head but instead I decide to accept it gratefully and do not question my Master. "Thank you." I give him a hug and whisper in his ear, "Thank you for raising me and being there for me." I pull away and he smiles with slightly watery eyes. "I will always be here for you Hope and may the force be with you." I reply back, "May the force be with you." I ignite the lightsaber that turns out to be blue. Yes I always liked blue better than green! Then I clip it onto my brown belt as BD and I set off to the bar to buy a ship.
    We got to the bar safely and without any run-ins with sand-people. I walk over to a table and wait for the man to come. I stare at the entrance waiting for him to walk through. But my eyes land on a piece of paper on the wall that says: NO droids allowed! I look over my shoulder at BD and whisper, "Get in my bag buddy and stay quiet." BD quickly and silently slips into my backpack.
When I look up again to see if anyone saw BD. I jump at the sight of the man I was supposed to meet sitting across from me. I had seen him yesterday when I was looking at the ship. He always kept a hood on only making his mouth visible. But he was very tall.
"Sorry you startled me" I say with my normal smile on my face. "Yes, well now it's time to talk business. Do you have the credits?" He leans in. "Do you have the ship?" A grin spread across his face as he said, "You are a smart one." I smile at the comment and say, "Well in this galaxy you have to be." I dig in my backpack for the pouch of credits and count out how many the man wanted. I put a couple back in my bag and handed him his money. He counts it carefully and reaches in his bag pulling out a round key to the ship. "Have fun she's on docking bay 23." the key hit my palm and I reply, "Thanks I will." I stand up and slowly and walk calmly out of the bar with my backpack on.
I don't walk toward the docking bay, but to Zel's house and make it there within a matter of minutes. "Hey BD we are all clear now you can come out." BD cheerfully beeps and crawls onto my back. I silently set the note on Zel's windowsill making sure not to wake my best friend ,since I was eight, up. I smile as memories of us flash through my head.
I briskly walk back to docking bay 23. Before my eyes there is a small ship that I fell in love with yesterday. I put the round key in the magnetic dip on the ship that allows me access. I walk up to find a small living room type of space and a couch with a small holotable in front of it. I close the hatch and walk to right and find a small bathroom. To my left and at the front of the ship was the cockpit. I put my hands on the two pilot seats, lean on them, and sigh. "BD this is the moment we have been waiting for, for the past eleven years. We are going to find Master Kestis!" I scream in joy but my face turns pale as I feel the ship shaking and hear blasters going off. I hear voices outside yelling, "Come out and put your hands up!" Stormtroopers...

A/N: Dun Dun Dah! Hello everyone I hope you all liked chapter 3! I promise that Cal will either be in the next chapter or chapter 5. Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day!

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