Chapter 4:

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A/N: Ciao everyone!!! Chapter 4 is going to be very exciting. Also big news everyone I decided to have Cal and Hope be in a future relationship. But fair warning I won't be rushing them into it. It's just not my vibe when it comes to romance and action in the same story. Enjoy the chapter!

Why are they here?! Well what ever reason it can't be good. I check myself and get ready to fight. My hair is in two french braids so it won't be in my way when I fight. My outfit is loose so I can easily move. I turn to BD, "Stay in here and hide. I'll be back soon ok." I nod as BD crawls between the grey couch and the wall making him barely visible.
I slowly approach the hatch and open it with my hands up. I see about ten stormtroopers all holding blasters and a man that was clearly drunk, so I was assuming he came from the bar. Oh no he probably saw my lightsaber. "Drop your weapon Jedi." One of the stormtroopers say. Yup that's what it was. Oops I need to hide it better next time. I reach for my lightsaber and act as if I were dropping it like they asked. But I quickly ignite it. The stormtroopers start to fire at me but I deflect all of the bolts and most of them ended up reflecting back to the stormtrooper and killing them. There were five left that I quickly slashed. I punched the drunk guy, who told on me, in the face and ran back into my ship.
I hurry to close the hatch door and start the engine. The ship hovers off the ground when I hear blaster bolts hit the ship. Ahh you have got to be kidding me! Luckily the ship was built to be strong and durable so I took off leaving the stormtroopers and into space.
    I let a long sigh in relief and call for BD, "It's ok to come out now BD" BD came running up to me and asked if I was ok. "Yes I'm fine and thank you for the concern."  I laugh out of joy that we made it out of there alive. I look at the glass to find a beautiful sight of stars and planets surrounded by darkness before my eyes. "Wow you don't see that on Tatooine." BD beeped in agreement. I slowly reach for the hyperdrive still mesmerized by the sight. Before I know it we are gliding through hyperspace. Half an hour passes when we reach Cholganna. I haven't seen so much green and blue on a planet since Master Kestis was taken. I enter the atmosphere and have a smooth landing in an area where no one could find my ship.
I grab my bag when it hits me. The Jedi seal on my bag probably gave me away back on Tatooine too. "Hey BD could you help me cover this up." I nod toward the bag and he runs off beeping. BD soon returns with black piece of something and melts it over the seal. I grab my bag once more, as BD hops on my back. "Ready to interrogate a mandalorian?" This is going to be fun.
We wonder the forest that surrounds us and finally come across a dirt bath that leads to a bar. I walk in and look around. All I could see was bounty hunters. Before I walk in I make sure to hide my lightsaber, fix my posture and try to look intimidating. I slowly gaze the room as my eyes land on the familiar shinning armor of a mandalorian. On the front is the same crest from thirteen years ago. I can't believe I found him. I mean it was a long shot. I walk over to the table he has sitting at, look both ways, and then whisper in their ear, "Meet me in the back storage room in thirty seconds. If you want a job." They perked up as soon has I spoke. Now I know there in.
I walk to the back room with no one noticing. I hide behind the door just in time to hear the mandalorian walk in. I quickly shut the door and force push their blaster and holster off to the side of the room. I use the force to freeze them and ignite my lightsaber. I come close to them and hold my lightsaber up to their face. "You had a job eleven years ago with the Empire. You had to bring them a Jedi where did you take him?" I say it all with anger inside of me. "How do you know about that." I can tell it's a man by his voice. "I was the little girl. Now tell me where you took him or I will make sure that you won't get the chance to have another job." I hope he knows what I meant. I'm not very good at this.
"The Empire wanted me to take him to Ilum. They said it's where they keep their Jedi trophies." Oh yeah I forgot, the Empire took over Ilum. "Where on Ilum?" I stick with my tough act. "I have record of it on my ship." I can feel that there is something suspicious about it but I need to know where on Ilum. "Then take me to your ship." I demand. I force pull his holster with the blaster in it, "Oh and I'm keeping this." I say as I clip it around my waist.
We walk out of the bar and he leads me to his ship, that is black and has parts of red on it.  I make him walk in first and he walks over to a large compartment. However, this time I walk in first to make sure that there are no weapons that he has in here. He walks in after me and grabs a small hologram record. I take it from him quickly. He seems eager to get out of the room, but I turn around and see racks of people frozen in carbonite.
At the end was a sort of closet with no door. The force was pulling me towards it and could sense an echo. I walk up to the place and bend down reaching my hand out and touching it. "Please don't hurt the girl please!" It was his voice. But he was cut off by a spraying noise. "Cal." I whisper.
BD beeped frantically saying, "Hope watch out!" I turn around and see the mandalorian heading right for me about to push me in. I step out of the way and instead push him in. Out of instinct I push a button to my left. All of the sudden it starts to spray something and pushes me to the ground. I close my eyes quickly. After seconds it stops and I look up to find the mandalorian frozen like the rest. After seeing this and the echo, inside I know he did this to Cal...
A/N: I hope you enjoyed chapter 4 guys! I promise that Cal will be in chapter 5. It's just taking a while to get to. the mandalorian isn't mando from the TV show don't worry. Also I the picture at the top of the page is his ship. Don't forget to have a great day like always and thanks for reading!

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