Chapter 1

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Rudy's POV

I put on the clothes Carmelo gave me. They freaked of sweat. He didn't have the descents to give me clean clothes. He just had to give me these disgusting practice clothes.....maybe....I should....kill Carmelo...

No Ones POV

Rudy grabs the blade he's used so many times to cut lines all the way to his elbows. As he's walking down the stairs holding the blade in a ready to strike position he hears footsteps beside him. He feels someone tug him into a room before he could react. Carmelo. "I-I thought y-you were downstairs, ho-" "You were going to try and kill me....weren't you?" "N-No! I wasn't!" Rudy says as he sprints to the door. Carmelo grabs his arm and tugs him towards his body. "Let me go! Please let me go!" Rudy screams as his body is pressed against Carmelo's " No...I've been waiting for this for a long.....long.....long time." Rudy's eyes grow wide as he realizes what Carmelo means. "No!!Help please! Someone help me!!!" Just as Carmelo trys to throw Rudy onto the bed someone smashes the window beside them and the lights go out. Rudy feels himself being pulled towards the window and then he feels the cool midnight breeze hit his skin. He catches a glimpse of someone he didn't want to see at the moment as he's flying past a street light in their arms. Tobias. Then he's out like a light.

5 hours later

Rudy wakes up on an unknown bed. He sees a silhouette of someone in the hallway. His heartbeat quickens as he knows exactly who it is. He starts struggling but, he has ropes tying him to the bed and a gag. He notices the silhouette getting larger indicating the person is getting closer. Tobias walks into the room with the same monotone expression as always. "No!No!No!!" Rudy starts screaming hysterically. Tobias smiles and Rudy ammendily it wasn't Tobias. Perhaps a.......second personality. At some point Rudy stopped struggling and instead showed the rare killer face he thought he would never show towards his friend.....or used to be friend. I mean he did try to kill him after Rudy  told him it was no wonder why his father didn't love him. Rudy's killer face died down as thoughts over took him. He almost didn't notice Tobias walking toward him. "Wai-" Rudy didn't get to finish his sentence as a stinging pain shot down his lower abdomen. Screams soon filled the dead quiet halls of the dark and twisted church Tobias had the misfortune of living in.

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