Chapter 4

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Suddenly the mood is ruined by a tractor trailer pulling into the parking lot and the hum of the engine was annoying. "U-uhm,I'll be right back lock the doors and don't talk to anyone!bye!" Rudy says waving his hands in the air and slamming the door shut. Tobias gave him the side eye before locking the doors. Rudy walked into the gas station and as soon as he opened the door he had the urge to pee. He practically ran to the disgusting fucus covered bathroom. As he went to wash his hands he heard a familiar voice coming from the window in the bathroom. He peaked out curious as to who it was. It was Carmelo. How the hell did that asshole get here? Rudy thought as he slowly climbed down from the toilet seat. Then it hit him. He remembered Carmelo was talking to Dino about how he was taking a trip down the east coast and visiting different places. Rudy quickly made it out of the bathroom and then sprinted around the store grabbing cheap snacks and drinks. Once he checked out and stepped into the parking lot Tobias was no longer in their original parking spot he was at a gas pump. Tobias was just finishing up with the gas. "We need to go." Rudy says hopping into the passenger seat. Tobias puts the gas pump back and gets into the driver's side seat dark circles visible under his eyes. "Did you get enough sleep?" Rudy asks in a very concered voice. "Yes I'm fine.....I'll sleep when we get there." Tobias says staring at the road

3 hours later...

The two pull into a fancy looking hotel. A little to big for a hotel though. Rudy was so focused on the hotel he almost didn't see the huge body of water behide it. "" "DID YOU REALLY FUCKING TAKE US TO A BEACH?!" Rudy exclaims staring dead at Tobias. Tobias couldn't tell if his screaming was from excitement or anger. He honestly couldn't tell the difference and he didn't care to ether. Tobias steps out of the truck and begins to walk into the hotel like building. "Don't say anything while were in the lobby ok? Let me do the talking." Tobias says getting a nod from Rudy. Once their checked in room 912 they head to the elevator. "....This place is huuuggee...."Rudy says staring at the door trying to make eye contact with Tobias. "I guess so." Is all Tobias replays with. They walk threw the hallway hearing some.....highly inappropriate noises coming from many rooms. They reach room 912 and Tobias opens the door. And ofcourse Rudy has to be extra........



So yea I did kinda lie about when I was gonna post....sorry...but if you like the story so far i would really appreciate you commenting that you like it or anything. I'll publish when ever I can but I promise to try and do it as frequently as possible. Thanks. And I'm really sorry there so short.

Ruby x Tobias Ghost EyesWhere stories live. Discover now