Chapter 3

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No ones POV:

"Sooo....where we goin?" Rudy says in a Simi positive voice trying to clear the ackwardness out of the air. "You'll find out soon enough....just so you know were not going back...just incase that wasn't obvious, I got us fake IDS." Tobias says staring straight ahead. "What?! What do you mean?! I need to see my family!! My mom!!" "Do you really think they're going to welcome a murderer back into their house?" Tobias says taking his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at Rudy. That's right I did kill his father....didn't I? Rudy thought slightly uncomfortable but slightly entriged. "I thought you were happy about me killing him..." "Its not what I think. Me personally, I'm very happy....but it's what every one else thinks...." Tobias says still keeping his eyes on the road no longer looking at Rudy. There was a few minutes of silence before Rudy spoke again. "Where the hell did you learn to drive?" "Luther." "Where did you get fake IDS?" "Luther." "Oh..." Rudy says unsure why his uncle would give him that. "Wait where I am I going to get my clothes from?!" Rudy exclaims extremely worried about his wardrobe at home "Walmart....Target." "WALMART!?!" Rudy exclaims again with his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Tobias takes a deep breath and re adjusts his fingers before speaking again. "Yes...Walmart Rudolfh." "Fine....I'm just happy I'm with you." Rudy says smiling looking the other direction out the passenger side window. Something in Tobias' heart irked. He started to notice that Rudy did actually look nice......really.....really nice. Tobias jerked his eyes back onto the road before Rudy could see him practically drowling.

12 hours later...

"Tobias!" Rudy screamed for the fifth time trying to keep him awake. "I'm hungry and my body is aching! PULL THE FUCK OVER!!" Roudolfh says in an angry tone not one you'd see very often at all. Tobias finally took his advice and pulled off on some random exit. They pulled into a gas station parking lot. It was pretty abandoned. "I'm hungry and I need to pee. Want anything?" Rudy asked opening the door. "You have money?" "Yeah...only a $40 bill but I'll make it last , I'll spend a little on snacks and some on gas. The rest we can save for something else." "Oh....I have money, I was just surprised you had any. " that an insult?" Rudy asked raising one eyebrow. "Maybe..." Tobias says for once smiling at Rudy, for once all.

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