Chapter 5

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Noones POV

Rudy was interrupted by a slap on the back of his head. "Shut up." Tobias says in a calm but angered voice.  Rudy's excitement dies down as he enters the room with Tobias. Rudy looks at almost every inch of the mansion/hotel room. Tobias on the other hand climbs a ladder leading off to yet another part of the hotel room. "What the fuck? Theres an upstairs?" Rudy's says with an extremely confused expression. "Yes, Rudolph as you can see there is a ladder and an upstairs." Tobias says turning around annoyed at how Rudy always asks questions that are so obvious. Tobias plops down on the king sized bed and cuddles under the sheets. Rudy knows Tobias isnt in a good mood so he decides to go out to the pool below them. He didn't have any swimming trucks so he just stripped. Noone was out there anyways. Rudy quietly stepped into the water and swam towards the slightly deeper end. He floated on his back for a long while. The sun was setting and it was going to night time soon. When Rudy reopened his eyes it was night time already the only source of light was from the pool lights below him and the stars above him. He quickly jumped out of the pool remembering right then he didn't bring a towel. As he entered the hotel room soaking wet cursing under his breath Tobais stood before him. He looked as angry as ever. "" Tobias says trying to keep calm. "At the pool." Rudy says raising an eyebrow and pointing behide him towards the door he just entered through. "You....s-should've t-told me." Tobias says with an almost unnoticeable tear rolling down his cheek. "Tobias....hey....its ok..." Rudy says walking towards Tobias and giving him a warm hug. Rudy then becomes painfully aware hes still in his boxers. He gently pulls away from Tobias who seemed to return to normal. Not wanting to disturb the peace Rudy didn't ask Tobias what he should do about his situation. He walked towards where he threw his dirty clothes before next to the door. He then took a shower and hesitantly put his dirty clothes on. Right as he was about to step out of the bathroom Tobias appeared. "Here." Tobias held out fresh clothes that were way to big for him but at least he wouldn't have to wear old sweat blood stained ones. So he didn't question where it came from he just smiled and shut the door to change. Later on when Tobias and Rudy had finished preparing for bed they sat next to each other and just stared at the TV that hadn't been turned on yet."So...what do you do before you go to bed?" Tobias asks glancing towards Rudy. Rudy feels a shock go threw his body.

"M-My m-m-movies............."

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