Chapter 2

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No ones POV:

Rudy wakes up still on the bed but no longer tied up. Tobias is sitting at the end of the bed with his back turned towards him. "Tobias...?" Tobias didn't answer he only twitched. "Tobias...are yo-" once again Rudy wasn't able to to finish his sentence. Tobias pounced on Rudy staring him dead in the eye. Rudy only stared into Tobias' eyes unable to move. He hadn't had Tobias on top of him like that sense that night. Rudy's expression relaxed and so did his body. Tobias started to lean down. But he only got half way before his father came in and ripped him off Rudy and began to beat Tobias kicking him over and over. He was ranting on about some religious homophobic shit. Rudy knew Tobias was going to try and do something to him. He's already seen that look in Ben's eyes. But Rudy still found the courage to get up and hit Tobias' father in the head with a lamp sitting on the night stand. Blood oozed out onto the floor. "Di-......did you kill my father?" Tobias says with a sad questioning face slowly looking up at Rudy. Rudy didn't look at Tobias he looked into a small mirror in front of him. He remembered all the times he had cut himself and peeled his fingernails off.....this time was different.....this time was.......................better?...........For once he wasn't the one being hurt. Instead it was someone else with a completely different life and problems. Tobias stood up and hugged Rudy from behide. "...thank you..." is all Tobias said as he clung to Rudy. "I'm really sorry I tried to kill you last you...Rodolfh. Rudy came back into reality as soon as he heard those three words. Rudy dropped the lamp and spun around. He could see that sensitive side of Tobias was showing. The one that's ether hidden by a serial killer, monotone expression or the seductive murder look. Rudy smiled and leaned a little bit to see Tobias' face better. Before Rudy was able to do anything a slam of the front door of the church erupted threw the halls. Tobias returned to his normal expression less face and dragged Rudy out the back. There was a truck Tobias' father used to go get things from the town he was forbidden to go to. Except school ofcourse. "Get in." "What? Tobias wh-" "Do you have wax in you're ears or something?! I said GET IN!" Rudy with out anymore questions hopped into the passenger seat and stared at Tobias who was taking a tad bit longer getting into the truck sense he was two inches shorter than Rudy. When he did he started the engine and pulled forward and then suddenly they were on the highway headed God only knows where and for who knows how long.

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