Chapter 7

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                            's been awhile.....ik I should of updated like forever ago but tbh I'm lazy af so....sorry ig...and since I haven't done this in awhile it might be shit so I do deeply apologize for that and all the grammar errors that r about to happen... enjoy?


Tobias looks carefully at the discs ignoring how Rudy was shouting at him. "Mind your own goddamn business!" Rudy yells and grabs for the disc Tobias was currently holding. Tobias finally snapped out of it "what are these?" His eyes wide. I don't know why I'm so surprised... Tobias thought. He did seem a I guess... Tobias thought again. Rudy standing there unable to come up with a believable lie shouts again. "DONT GO THREW MY THINGS!!!" Tobias still not having an answer stands up and walks towards the door. "W-where are y-you g-going?!" Rudy asks slightly worried Tobias is about to do something. "The ocean..." Is all Tobias says before shutting the door abruptly. It takes Rudy a few seconds to realize what was happening. He's gonna throw my movies....into the ocean. Is the thought that goes threw Rudy's mind before he opens the door and practically falls out. "Nononononono!!" Rudy mubbles rushing out of the elevator and on to the pool deck. But it was too late......Rudy could see Tobias throwing every single disc into the ocean and being swept away. Rudy didn't bother trying to stop him. He just stood there silently sobbing on the edge of the deck, watching Tobias. Once Tobias was done he turned around to see a small blonde boy in the distance crying. Why is he crying?! I did him and favor! Riding him of those dispicable tapes! Tobias thought while stomped towards the blonde boy. But Rudy quickly turned around and began speed walking to the pool deck door that lead into the building. Tobias was right behide him walking just as fast. It soon turned into Rudy running away from Tobias and Tobias right on his tail. The got into the room and Tobias slammed the door obviously still upset about Rudy's reaction. Rudy was still upset about his movies. " could you do that...?" Rudy asked in a quiet and broke voice looking at the empty black bag instead of Tobias. Tobias Eve more enraged maybe even irate stepped forward towards Rudy. Tobias couldn't describe the feeling he was having it was between rage and......maybe.......a little........................


Tobias can't avoid the feeling and he grabs one of Rudy's wrists. Tugging them both up the latter and onto the bed. Rudy confused and scared tries to shove Tobias off. After trying for what seemed to be forever he gave up... How the hell is he that fucking strong?! Rudy thinks to himself gazing up into Tobias' eyes. At this point Tobias has Rudy pinned down onto the bed. Tobias continues to look at shivering and weak boy beneath him untill he hears a loud boom. It's dark and cold......

The lights are out.......

Hey it's me the author... srry for cutting it short I hope you liked it I will try my best to get my  lazy ass up and make new chapters but until then stay safe and healthy..

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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