Chapter 6

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Noones POV:

Everything starts to slow down. Rudy sits there in silence for a while before getting up. "Where are you going?" Tobias asked looking at Rudy even more annoyed than before. "I-I'll be back in a minute...." Rudy say before walking to the door and exiting the room with nothing with him and an unreadable facial expression. Tobias sits there confused he couldn't see Rudy exit sense he was still upstairs but he could hear him leave. Tobias had never seen Rudy so.......empty looking. "RUDY!!" Tobias yells out but Rudy had been gone for at least 5 minutes. It was a really late reaction....

1 hour later.......

Tobias is in the kitchen cooking. He has no idea what disturbing, disgusting concoction he's making but he doesn't care. It's not like he was going to eat it anyways. Rudy had been gone for at least an hour. Where the hell could he be at 10 at night?! Tobias asked himself as hes staring watching it boil in the pot. The door suddenly opens. Slowly and carefully. Rudy comes into sight dripping wet and his head hanging down. With him is a black plastic bag filled with discs....lots of them. Tobias only stares theres a long pause between the two. Tobias decides to be the first to break the silence. "Where were you.....?" "I....I um......went to movies..." Tobias starts to feel weird..something odd was happening with Rudy but Tobias didn't feel the need to address it just like he didnt feel the need to address the cuts on his arms when they first met. Rudy shuts the door behide him and takes off his shoes. His head is still hanging not so much as a glance in tobias' direction. " feeling alright Rudolph?" Tobias asks turning off the heat to his supposed food he was never going to eat. Rudy stops water dripping from the bag and himself. Rudy grabs a towel and drys his hair unaware of Tobias' staring. He sits on the bed where he was originally motioning for Tobias to come over. Tobias looked at the pot and then made his way over to Rudy. "So.....are we going to wat-" Tobias was once again interrupted by Rudy "No."
"Then what are we going to do? Didn't you go to buy those movies so we could watch them together?" "I never said I was going to watch them with you Tobias..." Rudy says not revealing his eyes even the slightest. Tobias starts to feel a bit uneasy and uncomfortable. "Fine.." Tobias says shouting his eyes afraid of what might happen next if he continues with this conversation. A few minutes go by and Tobias is unable to sleep, he still has his eyes closed in an attempt to appear as if he's sleeping to Rudy. The TV starts playing so that means Rudy fell for it. Tobias was so focused on the fact he convinced Rudy he was sleeping that he almost didn't hear the screaming from the TV. "Horror movie most likely." Tobias thinks to himself untill he opens his eyes. Even though his eyes are only open a sliver Tobias can see all the gory details in the "movie". He then realizes a horror movie wouldn't be that grafic. Rudy was watching something else......something.....much more.....dark....and twisted. Tobias quickly shut his eyes when Rudy glanced at him. He thought he was cought but Rudy just kept watching untill it was over. Once it was done Rudy took the disc out and placed it back inside the black plastic bag. He then snuggled up next to the very much still awake Tobias. At some point they both fell asleep to the noise of the ocean tide going back and forth.

The Next Morning...

Tobias woke up to Rudy cooking something. He stepped out of bed and walked towards Rudy and the food. Unlike Tobias' revolting goo Rudy could cook amazingly there was eggs,bacon, and toast. "What made you decide to do this?" Tobias asked looking at the plate of food in front of him. "I thought it would be nice." Rudy replied clearly in a better mood than last night. "Do you want to go to the beach?" Rudy asked extremely happy looking at Tobias with puppy dog eyes. "Sure.... whatever." Tobias says completely uninterested. They both finish breakfast and put on their bathing suits. Rudy ofcourse wanting to be safe puts sunscreen on and makes Tobias put some on aswell. "Why do I need sunscreen? If anything i need a tan." Tobias says annoyed and wanting to get the day over with. Rudy ignores his comment and continues to spread it on Tobias' arms. They eventually walk out of the room and down the elevator to the pool deck. "So how do we get to the beach?" Tobias asks squinting his eyes  from the sun. "Follow me. I found this when I was swimming yesterday." "About yesterday......what happened?" Tobias asks following close behide Rudy. "Its nothing I dont feel like talking about it right now." Rudy says as he starts to put up the umbrella and chairs. Tobias doesn't think too much about Rudy's response instead he just helps set the drinks and books up on the table. There weren't to many people in the area they were in but if you went farther down to their left or right. You could see hundreds of people on ether side. After about 10 mins of reading and drinking lemonade Rudy gets up and drags Tobias with him. "Where are you taking me?" "The ocean ofcouse." Those words rang in Tobias' ears for a moment before he violently pulled back. "N-no!" Tobias says trembling looking out at the water wondering how deep it goes...and what would happen if he went to far. "Stop being a baby would you?" Rudy says stopping Tobias' train of thought. "I'm sorry did you just call me a baby?!" "Jesus just dip your foot into the water it's not gonna kill you alright?" Rudy says grabbing Tobias' wrist and tugging him into the water. "Fuck that's cold." Rudy's says gasping still holding onto Tobias' wrist. Though he was unphased by  the temperature. He eventually concoerd his fear and just splashed around with Rudy. They clouds then came out and it was beginning to rain. Lighting and thunder started to appear. They both got out of the water and backed up quickly. Rudy was obviously upset. "Look....theres a restaurant we passed when we first came in, we can go there if you want." Tobias says carrying the chairs and umbrella. "Sure!" Rudy says his mood improving. Once they set everything down they go up to the room to shower and change clothes. Once their done they walk out to the car and drive to the restaurant Tobias mentioned. They order their food and eat. It was surprisingly quite on the restaurant. Only a few people were there. By the time they were done the rain had stopped and it was nice and sunny again. "Those storms happen almost every day your going to have to get used to them because we are going to be here for a long, long, long time." Tobias says starting the engine and driving back to the hotel. Yiu could see the ocean perfectly from the road it was absolutely beautiful. When they walked into the hotel room the sun was already beginning to go down. "Let's go out one more time!" Rudy exclaims while throwing his bathing suit back on. "Nooooo" Tobias says annoyed not wanting to move at the moment. "Come ooonn." Rudy says managing to get Tobias up and out the door. Tobias plops down on the sand and watches Rudy instead. The sky was a beautiful, purplish, pink. The light hit Rudy and the water so perfectly Tobias began to think Rudy looked......stunning. Tobias stopped that train of thought and just continued to watch. After a few minutes the sun had completely gone down and it was pitch black. "Rudy! Let's go!" Tobias says walking towards the pool deck. Rudy emerges from the darkness still in a joyfully mood. They go up the elevator and into the room for the night. Rudy changes his clothes in the bathroom since hes showering first. He didnt shut the door completely though.  Tobias saw Rudy pulling his bathing suit off. It was like it was in slow motion. (Fuck I know I'm bad at this pls bare w/ me 😂😂) He couldn't take his eyes off of him. Rudy bending over to turn on the shower and Tobias can see everything. His breathing gets heavier and heavier. Untill Rudy steps into the foggy shower. Tobais averts his gaze and looks else where. He sees the discs in the black bag. Being the curious teenager he was he looked inside. The discs had labels on them but nothing else...

"What are you doing?....."

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