the butterfly project (tw)

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tw for this oneshot:

- self harm
- abuse

not trying to romanticise it all, it's a horrible thing to endure, but i know some people make it better. no one can fix you, you fix yourself, but they help to motivate and inspire you.

it all seemed useless.

he felt like the world was out to get him. the constant abuse, just for being different. a freak.abnormal. it wasn't his fault he was built like a salad ninja turtle... well it was, but it gave no one any right to demean and diminish his emotions as if they were trivial and pathetic.

they felt like no one wanted them. everything just seemed to go wrong. no matter how hard they tried, their attempts to feel better were futile, the world seemed hopeless. as if it would never get better.

but a small act of kindness can go far.a glance, a smile, a favour.

it was one cold day in february when they met. reports of storms and snow just kept coming, and st canard felt dead and lifeless. especially to the poor plants.

so ,of course, reginald bushroot was trying to find enough fertiliser and good conditions to survive the rest of winter and to protect his leafy friends. however, his usual dosage of anxiety washed over him. what would they say when they saw him this time? was Darkwing Dork going to show up and 'incidentally' kill his 'children' ? well at the end of the day, he couldn't just let them, and by proxy,himself die,he had to help.even if the comments ended up getting to him. there were so many variables, so many things that could go wrong...he had to focus.

that's when they showed up. y/n l/n. in the florist, bushroot noticed a seemingly cold, but friendly person, chatting to a child who looked lost. watching them return the child to their parents, he couldn't help but smile. maybe there was some hope for humanity, even if he hardly catches glimpses of it.putting a flowerpot on a shelf, bushroot couldn't help hut notice the marks lined along the kind person's arm.


a sight he knew all too well.

sighing in sorrow, he entered the shop after putting a hat on to cover his lilac locks and disguise most of his mossy face. wordlessly, he wandered around in search of supplies, finally finding them, but typically, unable reach them. just his luck. nothing ever went right for him, did it? luckily, the kind person from before had a ladder and handed the fertiliser to him.

not knowing how to handle kindness, after being shown nothing but disgust,he became flustered.

"th-thank you!'

"ah, it's no problem, they really need to make these shelves less tall, no one can reach anything."

"y-yeah. and with us short people it's hard to get a break."

a warm chuckle resounded from their lungs .

"that's a good one! what's your name"

...heh? this was new. were they blind or were they choosing not to comment on his... condition? either way, it felt akin to a blessing.quickly, he had to reply, who knew when a chance like this would arise again?

"reginald. reginald bushroot."

"well, nice to meet you reginald, mind if I just call you bushroot? it rolls off the tongue easier.''

"oh no, it's fine, ev-everyone seems to call me that anyway."

"well bushroot, i hope you have a wonderful day, even if it gets chilly on your leaves, hope to see you around"

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