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villain! y/n arc anyone? how do we think dw would react? let's find out

i am pulled so thin, verging on disappearing into nothing but spools and spools of thread beneath the weight of it all, the weight of the

night,alone,overheating in warmth that's not yours,no head to rest against my own,no soft giggles when i lament the volume of my breathing for the 14th time,dark,sky,

a photograph traced in dust on my window,

the colour red,


the weight of you is heavier than any virus in my lungs,it's poison to my bloodstream and delight on the tastebuds.

i miss you in a way that aches and strikes my eyes with twin blows, in a way that rubs me raw from the inside out, in a way that claws out my throat and always ends up at your feet.

and the worst part is knowing that you're somewhere. with them.

LEDs, voice,you,dancing,

missing me too.

(i hope-)

i came to terms, with the shift of fate from 'if' to


i am weak, i am fragile,

i recognise my fault and my handicap and my starry-eyed hope that you won't have changed more than i thought, this reckless pipe dream that things will be different-

("communicate and be honest," i told you; "those are the only things you can do."

"yeah."you agreed, flat, knowingly,embarrassed as i describe what i love about you in detail, but never saying your name-)

-i pray to god,things will be different,

if they aren't, it's over, i am over, there is nothing on the canyon floor anymore and i will be obliterated,marrowbone and gore,

but i can't keep pretending like i don't want you.

i can't keep pretending,

that in the night, illuminated by the moon, magicks and trickery don't brush through your hair and you are

rose,vermillion, burgundy,tinted,painted, dyed

there's a reason you never left my skin -don't you know red stains?- and

in the night, i cradle my own face in tender hands,and

try to recreate that parting kiss you left against my palm.

i can't keep pretending that i'm over you;

the choice was right, the timing was right-

shipping and handling left us fractured but maybe this

time, we can be fixed with glue and packing tape.

time,and space, and time, and space.

it's mine to handle, and mine to hold.

but darling, i want to give it all to you



not gonna lie, i still kinda like this piece.
imagine being dw and having to fight y/n or seeing them so happy with the fearsome five and seeing the look of loathing that bores into him from your eyes even though he loves you through and through.

yeah that hurts doesn't it.

- ro

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