emotion doesn't make you a coward:

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ha, deleting and republishing go brrrr

he was the tough one.

the man who put up too many walls. and who was scared to knock them down.

until they came along.

he shrugged them off at first. it was a feeling oh so unknown to him. he kinda liked it though, and wanted to give it a try. but the very idea of such terrified him. not that he'd ever admit that to them though.he was no coward.

a lot of things in life are like real love. wonderful to dream of, and easy to dream of idea, but a little extraordinary and fleeting, and all just out of reach.

i should've kissed them. i can still do it. i could follow them out the door right now and run after them and enrapture then a delicate kiss right now. it would be romantic, and it could be our little secret. as long as dipwing and the 'fearsome' losers don't see, i can do it. i can tell them i love them. i'm gonna do it, like gos said, i'm gonna kiss them right now, no matter what.he thinks to himself.

he turns on his heel, cape dramatically swinging after him, and heads to the washroom. not really for any good reason,he doesn't have to use the facilities, but he stands there for a moment; staring into the mirror.

"you're NEGADUCK for gosalyn's sake! you can go and confess feelings for a mere person!"

a really gorgeous person. a handsome person who comforts him every time he loses against darkwing. a person who helps him plan his next evil plan without fail. a person who coaxes him to relax and take care of himself. a person that doesn't only care for him, but dotes on his daughter and gets along with his launchpad. that's a rarity he was very unlikely to find anywhere else. you have him wrapped around your stupid pretty fingers without your stupid, smart self knowing it.

he grips the sink,first counting to twenty, then to fifty, then to one hundred. before he squares his shoulders, and walks out like he usually did-like he owned the place. confidence secreting, nay, oozing from his poise and a fearful determination to find you. he showed the courage he didn't feel- a facade only you and his truest family could see past.

he rounds the corner and comes chest-to-face with them. and then reality sets in. how breathtaking you are, the light sent a shiny gloss painting your lips so well, the firmness your e/c hues making him weak in his knees. they both startle, but they recovers faster than he does, cups his face delicately, and kisses him. how did you always know what he was thinking? first gently, then more aggressive, one hand curling through his feathers and tilting his head back to gain better access to his mouth, his hand gripping their hip bruisingly. he eventually opens himself to the kiss, similarly to how he opened up to them, sighing into their mouth as they pulls back.

"took you long enough. i've wanted to do that for a long time. i thought you were gone, and i was too late," they rasped breathlessly, resting their forehead against his. he smiles into their hair,reaching for their shirt, and mumbles:

"you're right on time."

and with that, he pulled them into another kiss, and realised, emotion doesn't make you a coward. it makes you a brave warrior, who has someone- or people-to fight for.

i see fanfic with negaduck being cold and unfeeling while his s/o dotes on him so i wanted to try to see if i could mix that up a little, have negaduck be standoffish but be scared of getting hurt/ humiliated by someone he cares for, rather than all apathetic and borderline abusive see you soon (maybe), stay dangerous.

- ro

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