incorrect quotes - p1

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funny words go brr ig

y/n:hey guys, i'm describing stuff in spanish for some homework, can i say that henry the 8th favourite subject was sex education?

bushroot: no, it didn't exist then.

liquidator: if you write it in spanish, then you're right.
y/n: bushroot is a simp.agree with me or die. that's an order, a threat if you will. not a suggestion. bushroot is a simp.

megavolt : k.

y/n: repeat after me if you love lightbulbs. BUSHROOT IS A SIMP.



megavolt : bushroot is a simp.

y/n: yes.

megavolt : now can i go back at trying to kill darkwing duck?

y/n: yeah of course, sorry for intruding

megavolt : (turning back to a tied up dw and lp) aren't they awesome?
y/n i was born on the changeover days of libra and scorpio ( a/n most people won't be it's for the quote guys)

launchpad: ohhh, fancy

y/n: i am henceforth a librio

launchpad: that sounds like it should be a cereal.

y/n: exactly! so as a librio i am also a cheerio, but i'm not cheery, so a pessimistio.

launchpad: i think my parents knew i would at least be gay, they didn't expect pan, but they knew i was gay.

launchpad: i popped out gay and will die as such.

y/n: one look at you and we all knew.this himbo is gonna be both hot and gay.and he will rock it.

launchpad: the only hetero i am is heterochromatic

y/n: b r o, really?

launchpad: yeah, i have this thing called sectorial heterochromia, so my eyes are like pizza and 2 slices are green.

y/n: i like pizza.

launchpad: yeah and you have really pretty eyes you lucky goddess bitch.


negaduck : how does steelbeak know me?

y/n: (sends him a wholesome meme saying how much they love him)

negaduck: am i going to have to stab a child?

y/n: >:[

negaduck: oh, love you too toots
dw: i am at a loss for words!

y/n and gos, in sync: despite being at a loss for words,he proceeded to yell at us for the next 20 minutes.
y/n: how long does your ideal hug last?

quackerjack: with you? 45 minutes.

y/n: that's not practical.

quackerjack: in my defence you said 'ideal' not practical'

y/n: touché



quackerjack: give me a hug.
bushroot: i don't really have friends.

y/n: bold words for someone within hugging distance.
quackerjack : don't worry guys, i have a knife up my sleeve!

bushroot: i think you mean 'trick'

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