disabled? here's specific quotes for you

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let me know if any of this was wrong and i'll take it down or edit it, don't want any misinformation or anyone to feel misrepresented.

launchpad : y/n, do you believe in love at first sight?

blind! y/n: can't say that i do.


negaduck,out of breath: i don't get it!if i can outrun darkwing duck, why can't i outrun you?!

wheelchair bound! y/n: DOWNHILL SLOPES NEGSY!


qj:i joke to try and make
things better, but it doesn't really work...

depressed!y/n: hmmmmmmm.......


dw: who needs arms with legs like thes- uh,sorry y/n.

gosalyn, screaming internally: .....

amputee!y/n: that's a good mindset to have! you're good dw.


bushroot,venting: you know y/n, you're a pretty good listener.

deaf!y/n, trying to read his lips(beak? idk): :)


anxious!y/n: i haven't eaten all day because the food vendors keep talking to me.

liquidator: studies have proven that this is detrimental to your health. employees, get the blankets and some ramen.

megavolt: for the last time, we aren't your employees!

qj, grabbing pillows and plushies:but we'll do it anyway because y/n needs support!

bushroot: yeah!

(they love you so much okay?)


megavolt: i'm glad you enjoy lightbulbs and their history too y/n, but you've been sitting there for a good while now...

autistic!y/n, finding a new special interest: l i g h t s! . . .


chronic migrane! y/n:i'm going to chug caffeine to wash away my problems.

bushroot, confused,but making them another coffee regardless: whatever it takes petal.


dw: y/n, quackerjack's defence system is full of dastardly puzzles.

adhd!y/n: oh no.

dw: but it's okay! as long as you read the instructions carefully, you should be fine!

adha!y/n: ...oh no.


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