nothing could go wrong... right?

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megsie has a crush, denial ensues-

... truly, he never thought it'd end up as an atomic bomb of catastrophe such as this.

when he first met them, he honestly couldn't have cared less- that person was an average human with an average face and an average backstory who he was using as a means of having to pay less on his rent for little while as he got the dominoes of lightbulb liberation set up and ready to crash through the sun's borderlines, sun turned translucent and transparent, turned into his skin. he'd held every intention of wreaking havoc on their life, making it hell, and having them move out the very millisecond that income was heavy again. an average, boring person, with average, boring motivations he had no care for. if it didn't involve lightbulbs or crime, it didn't involve him.

and in all actuality, if we're telling the raw, unbridled truth here, he technically could have cared less, considering he went to all the dramatic lengths of being spiteful. he refused to allow them to be too comfortable, it was merely out of the question, he never let anyone get close, why would they be any different? so with every electrically drowned breath and muscle contraction he ensured to let them know the weren't welcomed there. they eventually caught on to the message and finally stopped pestering him with questions ranging from ' oh, what are you working on today elmo? ' to ' okay, but you need to eat or you'll die, and who else would liberate lightbulbs then, huh? '. so he was absolutely ready to kick them out in a few months time.

however, someone clogged up the cogs in his system.

apparently, breaking down in a dingy room bruised, whimpering and curling into themself, and then breaking down sobbing all over his favourite brown striped dressing gown when he came to check what all the noise was happened to be the easiest way to break into his battery. and well, this event seemed to be a catalyst for emotion to become prominent in their ' dynamic '.

and well... that first section was another story for another author's block.

now that he'd become aware that this person was akin to himelf, he ( unaware of such behaviour ) began to open himself up more. saying goodbyes as they walked out of the door, not unplugging every goddamn appliance at the times he knew they needed it, a casual ' how was your day? '. perhaps, if this person wasn't as bad for encroaching on his home, he could relax and not drag himself up at stupid o'clock to devote so much energy into spite.

...he hadn't expected to gain near tangible feelings for them.

not to crush. terribly, helplessly, hopelessly hard.

of course, this was him, and he did the most stupid thing possible at any given opportunity. he knew that they liked him even an infinitesimal amount, judging from how their face bloomed and eyes widened as he came more openly affectionate; hugs from time to time, smirks when they walked past a person neither could stand, holding hands when some prick decided to try and harass them, bumping into each others' sides in a morning to annoy one another, friendly banter. it was nice, borderline domestic, and he'd never had someone so comforting and so accepting of all his flaws, or someone with such intricacies and beautiful flaws he wished he could trace affectionately until the end of time ... but... he refuses, adamantly and obstinately so to even begin to entertain the allowance of anything more than platonic intimacy and feelings for them. unheard of, out of the question, what if he got too attached and they left him to rot just like everyone else ever had? it was uncertain, and he had no time for such uncertainty. assuming he had little more than a simple, misguided intrigue, little childhood butterflies in something new that just went a little further than anyone else, or actively tried more than anyone else, that respected his boundaries and constantly checked up on him more than anyone else... safe to say, he kept them at a solid distance, not too close, not too far. perfect.

' actively friendzoning ' it was labelled. in his new notebook ( that they bought him for his birthday, an occurrence he was pleasantly surprised by, not that he'd ever let them know that ) titled after them, decorated with lightbulbs stickers and colours he found cool. besides - in no time he'd no longer feel like this, he'd laugh at his stupidity through the whole ordeal, and recognise the sheer idiocy of it all, because no, it wasn't a huge peak, it wasn't anything big, he didn't have any form of any important feelings, and this whole.. thing, wouldn't possibly stretch any further than a little crush.

... somehow... it went further.

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