Omega - 7

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Tord smiled calmly and let go of the hug, positioning Tom back on the couch then standing up and heading over to the door, the other male of course following suit. When they got back to the labroom, one of the many scientists gave the leader wide eyes with thrilling excitement. "He's 100% a confirmed Omega."

Tom's dark voids widened too, standing beside Tord in a state of shock. "I can't believe it... I mean I can, and I did..." Tord trailed off upon looking down at the special boy. "This is just too perfect." He began to pet Tom's fluffy hair, making the boy angry and yet he leaned into the nice touch. "Thomas could you come back next week?" He questioned all of a sudden.

"Not tomorrow?" He cocked his head in confusion. "Not until your heat is over, I want you to relax." He smiled slightly, but one of the scientists detested, "Studying him while in heat is essential!" He insisted. "No... I can't have him over here whilst." The leader growled while absolutely certain. "Can't? Are you physically unable to?" Tom giggled a little while handing him the cape back. "No. I'm serious about this. Don't show up tomorrow."

"I'll be too tired while in 'heat' anyway, I usually just pass out during classes then go home to sleep." The cutie smiled warmly and innocently. He still didn't quite believe everything he was told. "Alright... well I'll see you in a few days. You are dismissed." The leader took off the bracelets and put them aside on the counter. "You know the way out by now, I trust you. Sort of." Tord pointed out the door, softly speaking, a little sad to see the Omega go. Tom nodded and left, exiting the building and having his things handed to him by Paul, taking in a deep breath he left.

While walking home he checked his phone to see what he had been able to record, but the moment he enters the building the footage goes corrupt. "Damn..." He mumbled to himself. "He's really thought everything through." Tom sighed to himself then put his phone back in his bag, entering his house and shutting the door behind him. "Hey Tom!" His mother called from in the living room. "You've been hours late from school two days in a row now!" His dad shouted after as usual.

"It's fine, just... extra schoolwork being handed out that I had to finish! Forgot to do my homework last night!" Tom called back, wanting to go upstairs and contemplate everything that just went on at that odd building. "Well, as long as you stay out of trouble this year! It would be a nice change from all of your chaotic behavior!" His father called out again sarcastically. "Right dad." The boy laughed a little then wondered if he should tell his parents the news, but just decided not to and went upstairs.

He got into his room and sat on the bed, looking at the newfound pile of schoolwork he had yet to do on the desk, rising higher and higher by the day. And he didn't plan to do any of it. He plopped onto the bed on his back, huddling with his stuffed bear while eyeing the ceiling, then gazing out the window to think. Thoughts of the strange kindness the leader had shown him crept into his mind, making him blush and get a little squirmy.

It took him a few minutes of thinking only to realize he may of had the smallest crush on him too. "Fuck..." He murmured and teared up a little, embarrassed by his own memory and ideas. Now that he was an Omega, he felt like everything had changed and that he couldn't be, or was no longer, himself. "I just wanna be normal..." He pouted upon turning his head to stare at the ceiling again, starting to feel a little warm.

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