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"Shut up loser" I was looking at the boy in front of me, he looked emotionless, I punched him again, he didn't flinch even a tiny bit.

"You gonna fight back or not, wimp?" I punched him again, he still just stood there, after a few more punches, his knees started to wobble and then give out, he collapsed onto the floor, his ankle did an almost full 360, I was a bit horrified, not only because of the way it was twisted, but the fact that the boy didn't flinch at all, if anyone had just seen his face, they would have thought nothing had happened. His face looked so empty, almost like his soul left his body, like he gave up. I stood there for a moment, and then I started at it again, but this time, I was kicking him. I kicked him in the stomach multiple times, and his face changed the tadest bit, from one void of emotion, to one of slight fear, I knew that look, it was a look I make when couch yells at me for messing up a play. 

I kick him again, this time to the side. When I kick his on the side, he flinches, this is the first time I have ever seen him show more emotion then the previous look. I wondered why that one kick made him show pain, made him make a audible noise of pain, something I have never heard him make

Why did he flinch now? Why not when I kicked him in the side? Why not when he broke his ankle? These were the thoughts going through my head. I decided that the boy had enough. I walked down the hall and to the lunch room. 

I sat with Yoongi, and Jimin. They didn't know where I was, so they happily greeted me. 

I saw Jungkook limp into the room, why didn't he go to the nurse? I saw Jimin rush to his side, along with two seniors, there names are Jin and Namjoon I think. Then I saw one of the teachers come to his aid, it was our dance teacher Mr. Hoseok, but he has us call him by his stage name J-Hope. They helped the boy walk out of the cafeteria. I hope the boy didn't tell on me. When he was trying to get rid of the boys around him he lifted him hands above his head, and what I saw was weird. I saw a couple dark blue, green, and purple bruises on his back. Were those from me slamming him into the lockers earlier?

"I don't need your help, I'm fine" was he fine, he didn't seem fine, wait why am I thinking about him? I talk with Yoongi the rest of lunch, we just talk about math, and the soccer team. We discuss the soccer tournament we have tonight, he's our star goalie, while I am the star kicker, I get us most of the points, while Yoongi blocks all the kicks from the opposing team. The bell rings and we clean up our spots and say goodbye, I make my way to my locker and grab my chemistry stuff, for next period. 

Just as I was starting towards my next class, I see a certain small boy being wheeled through the hall, the other students all divide in the hall, I stay on the left side, and watch as Jungkook is being pushed down the hall. His head is hung low, as if hiding from everyone, and he looks up and then makes eye contact with me, I quickly look away, and feel a pang of guilt and sadness in my heart. 

Jungkook what are you doing to me?

A/N: Hello everyone, I finally found time to write the first chapter of this story! Yay me! The next chapter I hope will turn out good! Please checkout some of my other books. And please check out the connecting story, Bullied. It is the same story line but from Jungkooks point of view. I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please remember to vote, and comment, it really makes my day when you guys do. As always, stay happy and healthy, I purple you!

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