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"Kim Taehyung, why must you always ruin everything?"

"I don't know...it's sort of nature by now, like I don't have control over it."

"Well you need to work on that. Namjoon also informed me about you life at home..."

"Really Namjoon, you had to tell him? Why? At least ask me before you tell others."

"Fine fine, I'm sorry. But now will let him finish talking?" I noded my head

"As I was saying, I know about your home life, and I want to give you a place to live. You can stay here IF and only IF, Jungkook agrees, we have another spare room that you can have. You also have to apologize to Kook, again, and vow to never hurt him again, verbally of physically. You understand?"

"I agree, and well...I think...that...well...ImighthaveasoftspotforJungkook. When we were in the bathroom, and he said he didn't trust me, to tell me anything...I realized that...well...Ineverwantedtohurthimagain,andthatIwillcontinuetotrytobehisfriend." I looked up and saw the other two were amazed, they just silently noded. 

"Okay then, well as long as you keep true to your words, and get Jungkook's approval, you can stay here. But if I find out you broke my trust...you will be six feet under in two hours flat. Understand?"

I looked over at Namjoon, "I wish I could tell you he was lying, but....he will"

"I promise hyung, never would I do that"

"Good, now you guys go do something while I make lunch, okay?" we both went out to the living room and turned on the TV watching some stand up comedy. A few minutes later Jin walked out and placed sandwiches in front of us. We ate and went back to the show. I heard Jungkook walk down the stairs but before I could say something, he walked into the kitchen. I silently watched him. Jin gave him a hug and then beckoned for him to eat the sandwich, he shook his head. Wouldn't he be hungry? Jin then said something that I couldn't make out, but it seemed to convince Jungkook to eat the sandwich. He ate half of the food and then looked at Jin, who silently clapped, he then said something again, that I couldn't hear at all. Jin washed the plate after finishing the food. The two of them came into the living room and sat down. 

I greeted him, "Hey Jungkook" it was mumbled because I was half in thought about what happend in the kitchen.

"Hi Taehyung" he replied a bit tense. He looked like he thought I was going to hurt him. I've never regretted anything more in my life then I did hurting him, especially in this moment. 

"Hey, why don't you two learn a bit more about each other. We'll join too. Oh I have an idea why don't we play 20 questions?" The three of us noded in return. 

Jin: "Okay then, um...Tae what is your favorite food" 

Tae: "I like lamb skewers and ramen"

Kook: "You like lamb skewers too?"

Tae: "Yeah, sometimes Yoongi hyung will take me for some"

Kook: "...cool"

Tae: "Ok, um...it's my turn...Namjoon, how did you ask Jin out?"

Joon: "Well, we were always really good friends, and then I developed feelings for him, I didn't know if he liked me or not, but on Christmas when our two families met up, I confessed to him in the snow, he then jumped on me and-"

Jin: "I'll finish, I was so happy, I had liked him since 5th grade. When he told me I jumped on him and gave him a hug. Then I slapped him-"

Kook: "You slapped him?! Why would you do that hyung?!"

Jin: "You didn't let me finish, I slapped him because he waited to long to confess, I was about to give up on him, but I'm glad I didn't"

Joon: "Um Kook your turn"

A/N: Hello, Im sorry i haven't updated in a while. I hope you liked the chapter.

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