Dinosaur T-Shirt

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I stood up and made my way towards the door, they were so into their conversations that he thought they wouldn't notice him leaving.

"Ya! Kim Taehyung, where do you think your going? Your coming with us." I looked at the older men

"No thanks" I wasn't really in the mood to join them, I just wanted to go to Yoongi's.

"Taehyung, Jin wasn't asking. You are coming with us, and you are going to be nice to Jungkook."

"Ok ok ok, and why would I ever be mean to Jungkookie hear. We are great friends at school." Taehyung lied through his teeth, wrapping his arm over the others shoulder as they walked to the car. 

"Get in the car liar" I just rolled my eyes and made my way to their car, when we started driving I went on my phone, I was checking my Instagram, and didn't really care what was going on or where we were going. 

After a long silence Jin spoke up "So...what does everyone want for lunch? I was thinking Panda Express (lol) but what do you want?" I didn't answer, but I was hungry, I didn't eat dinner last night, or breakfast

"I'm not that hungry" he heard Jungkook say, why wasn't he hungry, did he eat a giant breakfast? Why do I care about his well-being, I've never really cared about other peoples life. 

When we got to our destination I looked up, we were going to the mall. We walked around and then Jin pulled Jungkook into a Target, he pulled him to the boys section. 

"Ha, you still shop in the boys department? Aren't you a bit old for that? Or does Baby Kook need to get his dinosaur shirts?" I said this without thinking, but really, what teenager shops in the boys section?

Namjoon pulled me out of the store, he had a hard grip on my ear, he pulled me to a secluded corner, he then cornered me, and stood in front of me. He looked ready to kill me.

"Kim Taehyung, what the fuck was that? Huh? Is it that hard to keep your stupid mouth shut? Why must you always be a little asshole to everyone? What has Jungkook ever done to you that he deserves you constant bullying?"

"I- well he-"

"Spit it out"

"He bumped into me on the first day of school two years ago" I mumbled

"He bumped into you? That's all he did? So that means that you can just bully him because he bumped into you a couple years ago?" Namjoon was pinching the bridge of his nose

"Well I had a gian-"

"Taehyung, as mean as this sounds, you can't use your dad as an excuse for everything. You defaced public property? My dad made me sad! Jungkook bumped into you? He bumped into a bruise my dad gave me!" I was sobbing hard at this point, part of me knew it was true, but the other part was sad and angry that my friend was saying this to me, straight to my face. 

"I-I under-understand Namjoon hy-hyung."

"Oh my god, I didn't mean to make you cry, I wasn't thinking right, you are going threw so much and I just made you feel like shit over something that is out of your control. I know you don't choose for your dad to beat you, and burn you, but I was being a dickhead. I'm so sorry Taehyung" they were getting stares at this point, Namjoon was crying to at this point, Taehyung has never seen Namjoon cry, not even at his dad's funeral. 

"It's fine Namjoon, let's go get cleaned up, and get lunch" The older agreed and they made there way to the bathroom. When they finished up they walked around, wondering about what to eat

"Namjoon, how hungry do you think the other two will be?"

"I think they'll both be hungry. Jin is almost always hungry, and Taehyung didn't eat much this morning, when we got back from our walk, we found like half of his breakfast in the trash can."


"Shit, I shouldn't have told you that" why shouldn't he have said that? I then started to go deep into thought. Something didn't add up. First the bruises and cuts on his back, second the broken look on his face when he was walking out of the police station, third the lack of appetite, and how could I forget about the fact he never flinched when I hit him, or that he didn't blink when he broke his FUCKING ANKLE. He knew the signs, but his mind wasn't putting them together. 

"-Taehyung? Are you listening?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something"

"Ok then, whatever you say. But I was saying that you need to apologise to Jungkook, tell him your sorry and that you shouldn't have said those things to him"

"Ok hyung" I nodded, my brain was still trying to figure out why Jungkooks predicament seemed so familiar. 

"Taehyung, do you think they'll want ice cream?"

"I know they will, let's go wait in the line, it seems rather long." The two boys got in line, making small talk while waiting for their turn to order. 

A/N: I hope you like the chapter, other then that, I Hope you have a good day! I hope that your day is/was/will be fun. Stay happy, healthy, and out of trouble. I Purple You!

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