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"Namjoon! You were going to get ice cream without us?!" Joon and Tae saw an angry looking Jin coming his way.

"No, I was going to get you and kook ice cream and bring it to you" Namjoon tried to defend himself

"So you knew where we were?!" Jin said glaring at him.

"No" Namjoon mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Well lets continue getting ice cream, we're up next. Jungkook what flavor do you want?" Namjoon asked, looking at the aforementioned.

"I-I'll just have vanilla" the boy stuttered while playing with his finger

"You sure kook? Do you want a different flavor, they have a banana milk flavored one" Tae saw the boys face brighten up, and it brought a smile to his face, seeing the latter happy. Wait why do I care? He wondered

"They have banana milk flavored ice cream? Can I have a scoop of that instead?" Jungkook said, his eyes sparkling

"Yes you can, now can you two get us a seat. Namjoon and I will get the ice cream and bring it over."

The two noded and went to find a booth to sit at. They found one and sat down, across from each other. Jungkook was looking down, fiddling with his hands. 

"I'm sorry" Taehyung mumbled. Taehyung really wanted to apologize to the other, after talking with Namjoon, he realized he really was a jerk for acting that way towards the other.

"I shouldn't have said that, it was rude of me" Jungkook then sighed and then looked back down. Tae really was sorry, he knew that what he said was rude and uncalled for.

Tae was about to open his mouth to say something else to the other, but then the two older men came over to them, each carrying 2 cups of ice cream. They sat down and Tae looked up to see Jungkook smiling at his bowl, he took a bite of the ice cream and smiled enjoying the bite. Tae started to eat his cold treat. But stopped when he heard someone say something.

"Jungkook can you please finish your ice cream? I want you to take two more bites." Jungkook started to shake his head, but then Jin gave him a stern look. Namjoon and I were watching, I was wondering what they were talking about. 

Jungkook took another bite after a bit more arguing, he sat there for a couple minutes looking sick. Then it happened he stood up quickly, knocking his chair over in the process, and ran towards the bathroom, holding his hand over his mouth. I got up,fixed his chair, and then went after him. When I came in I grimaced, he could hear the other throwing up. 

Taehyung was a bit worried for the other. "Jungkook-ah, are you okay?" 

The other replied quickly, "I-im fi-fine Taehyung, you- you can go ba-back now."

He was really worried about the other now, "I'm not going to leave until you come back out here, and I can give you a look over." Jungkook opened the door, looked at Tae, and walked out the door, towards the sink where he rinsed his mouth out and splashed some on his face. He then washed his hands and dried them off before taking a breath and turning towards Tae. 

"If your going to make fun of me, do it now, so I can rinse my face off again before going back outside." He said while looking anywhere but at the others face. Did he really think I am going to hurt him? I just wanted to make sure he was fine, because...well I don't really know. 

"Are you okay?" I tried again

"What?" He looked at me, still a bit scared. 

"I asked if you were okay, and was wondering if your feeling better now" I tried again, because I cared...for some unknown reason. 

"Im-im fine, and I wasn't sick in the first place, I just ate to much" He said, I know he was lying

"You only ate a couple bites" I said, trying to get him to open up to me.

"I had a big breakfast" I guess he choose to continue lying.

I decided to call him out, "BS! I call your bullshit, Namjoon was saying how you didn't eat much this morning, that he found some of your breakfast in the trash." He looked surprised

"Why were you talking about me?" He asked

"We were discussing what to have for lunch and he said 'jungkook didn't eat much this morning, so we should get lunch, instead of just snacks' that's what he had said." I told him, so he would understand

"Ok so?"

"Tell me kook, I know I was never nice to you, but can we try this whole friendship thing" It was true, every word I said, I really wanted to be friends with him. 

"I don't think I can trust you" 

I knew that he was right, "And you have every right not to, but can you at least tell me why you eat so little?" I was worried for him, for some reason. 

"No, if I tell you, it's going to end up all over the school on Monday, I'll be the talk of the school" Why does he keep thinking I'll do something to harm him. Well I guess...before I got a soft spot for him, I would have. Wait, since when did I have a soft spot for him?

"Fine then, but let it be known that I did try to become friends with you, I will always be open to your friendship. But at school, you're still getting it, maybe I'll be a little nicer and not kick you when you fall. Have a good day, bye." I gave up, I tried hard to be friends with him. A part of me knew, I wasn't going to hurt him again, and that I would continue to try to be friends with him.

I walked out of the room, before he could say anything, or I could either. I made my way towards the exit, hearing Namjoon calling out behind me, "Where are you going?! What did you do this time?!" When I made it out toward the bus stop, I checked the time and just my luck, the bus just left and won't be here for a while. I made my way towards the car that I came in and leaned against the hood. I pulled out my phone and went to Pinterest, looking at spray paint ideas. When I got bored, I logged on to Wattpad, and continued reading the book I started earlier, it was called Teacher's Aid (shameless self promo)

After like 20 min. I heard talking coming this way. I looked up, and saw that it was Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin. They went silent, and the older two looked at me in anger, and a hint of disgust. I tried to make eye-contact with Jungkook, but he looked down and quickly went into the car, sitting down. After that, the rest of us went in the car. Namjoon drove me to my house. But when we got there, I realized I didn't want to go in, so I started asking if I could stay. The two continuously denied the idea, but then Jungkook, who had been quiet the whole time, spoke up.

"He-He can come" I was surprised, he really was okay if I came?

"You sure kook, after what he said to you"

"Yeah, I'm sure" Jungkook relied back, I was happy, I wanted to hug him, but I knew that wasn't a good idea. 

"Ok then kook, but Tae listen to me, me and Jin are going to have a good long talk with you when we get back, is that understood?"

"Yes hyung" I replied, I was thankful that Jungkook said I could come, my dad would be mad if I came home now. Namjoon just noded his head and continued driving. When we got to the house, they told Jungkook to put away his clothes. We went to the kitchen and when we were out of earshot, they started talking.

A/N: I really (J)hope you like the chapter, other then that, I hope you stay happy, healthy, and out of trouble. I Purple You!

A/N: So I was thinking of doing a Taekook Mafia AU, should I do it?

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