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Hope's P.O.V

I could feel the mate sparks when he caressed me face, I couldn't stand it. I ran away from him.
I went to my locker and grabbed the books I will need for my first class, which is Science. I walked into the science room and found a seat, that was when Derek walked in. He instantly spotted me and came to sit next to me. "I never got to ask your name"

"Its Hope" 

"That's a beautiful name"

"Thank you" We sat in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes, before the teacher decided to show up, along with the students. Deano walked in last, he seemed to be in a daze, but snapped out of it when he saw me and Derek together. That is where my plan will start. The teacher walked out of the room to go talk to somebody. "Hope you are stunningly beautiful"

"Thank you Derek, you're pretty handsome too" I heard an unhappy growl come from behind me. "Do you work out often? You have alot of muscle"

"I do actually" I reached out and took hold of his arm, and my, my, my was it strong. 

Deano's P.O.V

After Hope ran away, I was left in a slight daze. I made my way to my first class, Science. When I walked in, the amazing scent of my mate hit my nose, snapping me out of my daze. But what I saw, nearly made me want to rip Derek to shreds. Hope and Derek were sitting too close together for my liking. I went ahead and gladly took the seat behind Hope. To my dismay they started to flirt right in front of me. 

"Hope you are stunningly beautiful" Derek stated calmly. 

"Thank you Derek, you're pretty handsome too" To say I was pissed was an understatement, I was absolutely furious when she said that. I let out an unhappy growl.

"Do you work out often? You have a lot of muscle" Why does she care? She should be asking ME questions like that. Oh Moon Goddess I sound like a girl craving attention.

"I do actually" She then reached out and took hold of his arm. OK that did it. I left everything on the desk and left the class.  

When I reached the tree line, I shifted. My wolf was black with a white under belly and glowing green eyes. I took of running, until I found a small clearing. There was a little pond in the clearing, so I went to it. I bent my giant wolf head and started lapping up water. When I was finished drinking, I went to go lie down. After what seemed like a hour, I ran back to the pack house. We kept spare clothes in the back of the pack house, for those who shredded their clothes while shifting. When I was fully clothed, I went back to school, just in time to make it for lunch. 

Hope's P.O.V

When Deano stormed out of the classroom, the teacher returned. We then began the lesson. After our second and third lesson. I hadn't seen Deano anywhere in those hours. Lunch finally came. Derek invited me to come sit with him and his friends. He was only in my Science class so I had to find him now. I walked into the cafeteria, and wow it wasn't hard to find him, his good looks standing out against the crowd. I went into the line to grab some food. I got a hamburger with curly fries. I paid and went to sit with Derek. He unexpectedly pulled me onto his lap. That was when Deano decided to make an appearance. When he saw me on Derek's lap, he charged at us. "Deano! Stop!" He didn't listen to me. He pulled me of Derek and punched him in the face. That was when we had the attention of the whole cafeteria on us. Derek and Deano were throwing kick after kick, punch after punch at each other. The principle of the school won't stop them, after all the principle is in the pack. I could hear everybody chanting 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' Over and over again. There was blood everywhere, the shouting too much for me. Not too long after I heard Derek shouting, then pointing at me, before I passed out.

I woke up in the nurses office, with a sleeping Derek at my side. As quietly as I could, I tried to get up, but nope my bones started cracking from being in one position for too long. That was enough to was Derek up. "You're awake, you've been out for 2 hours" Wait what, I tried to recall what happened before I passed out. The confusion on my face must have given away the fact that I don't remember anything. "Oh ummm, your Alpha punched me, we started fighting and you passed out" When he finished, bit by bit the things that happened came back. "Where is he?"

"He was pissed so he took of somewhere"

"And you've been here the whole time?"

"Yep" Awwww that's so sweet of him. "Tell me, is he your mate?" He asked with a little dismay in his eyes.

"No, he rejected me, and I rejected him right back" The look in his eyes were soon replaced by a hopeful expression. All of a sudden he looked rather nervous.

Derek's P.O.V

I still can't believe that guy, he just came and punched me. When Hope passed out I stayed with her the whole time, during that time I fell asleep. I was unexpectedly woken up to the sound of bones cracking. I instantly jerked up, to see Hope in a rather awkward position before she sunk back down. We had a little conversation until I had the courage to ask her a certain question I have never asked any girl. "Hope, will you go out on a date with me?" She looked thoughtful for a few minutes then answered. "Of course I will" The hottest girl in school at the moment, agreed to go out on a date with me. 

Hope's P.O.V

He asked me out on a date. YAY! Now I can put my plan into thorough action.


Chapter 3 YAY! They are going on a date, what do you think happens?

The next chapter will be a little delayed, as I will be working on it.




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