Funk-A-Tech Inc. Warehouse
Present DayFootsteps on a polished cement floor. A grand chandelier above dimly lights the room's thick darkness. Our narrator sits comfortably in a chair composed of crisscrossed wood and cloth. Director's seat. It's back wears a cursive stitching: Starrchiild.
Galaxy scrolling, she skims through commentary on a dreamsicle hued app. "Every time he appears you get balder, whor—" stopping her read, Starrchiild sucks her teeth. "Such nastiness."
Remote control in her hand. "Let's get this over with."
Television on. Play.
Sex sounds in a broom closet. Milk in Honey; Honey who all but swallows her tongue to keep hush. Too bad she's never been one to come quietly. She sinks her teeth into his shoulder. Milk let out a concealed gruff as he shot into Honey's jar. Wish. He damns the protection that keeps his hard work to himself. In his mind, she deserved to receive it.
"Just say it already."
Panties around her ankle, Jody steps into the other leg hole once Tommy put her down and backed away.
Pulling them up, "Say what?"
"You love me I can tell. This," he motions between them. "All this," he breathed. "It's – you love me."
Sliding up the zipper on side of her skirt, she snorts. "If this tells you that, you should get out more."
"It's not that hard to say. I wouldn't tell nobody. It'll stay in this room."
"Okay. Since you promised. T...I like you. There. Happy?"
He watched her smooth down her shirt after adjusting her boobs. Boobs that he didn't get to properly worship this time. He's lucky he got to see her bra. Damn a quickie.
Not a hair is out of place on her. She's still perfect. Every strand is still slickly secure in her ponytail. Tommy can't say the same for himself. She had her hands all in his mane. But gosh he didn't mind one second of it.
Slipping out of latex, he goes about making himself reappear innocent. "Will you marry me?"
Looking over a man with a cum glove in his hand, Jody nods. "Yes."
And of course Tommy's excited. "Really?"
"Mhm. When?"
"When tonight?"
Everything about her looks serious, down to the kiss she flirted on his lower lip.
But she's fooling. Tommy can hardly tell. He's a fool.
Huffing, he stops her move for the door. "What do I do with this?" The condom he means.
True to her mutable nature – Tommy's learned to expect no less – Jody switches uncaring.
"You did it. You figure it out."
She's out the door before he could protest.
A mini snickering laugh, "Oops."
Starrchiild mashes repeatedly the pause button that's been stuck throughout the entire play. After what had to have been nine tries it unsticks, though still doesn't work.
"Damn batteries," she grumbles under her breath.
Seat left. To the tv she goes. Even though she found it funny, the past is being presented is a mystery to her. That is until a discovery is made as she checks the stand drawer for batteries. The Blu-Ray player is on. Before she can sort that out, she sets off to find more Duracells.
The Gemini: Emancipation
FanficFree from a name. Free from his chains. While Roger thrives in his emancipation, Jody discovers that liberation has a price. Through the years they both learn that where there's beauty, there's ashes. Especially when secrets never die. [A SEQUEL]