Dinner plans and prizes won

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Me and Keefe had a long conversation, ending in a decision. We would date, try it out, but not be boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Yet. We wouldn't keep it a secret, but wouldn't necessarily go running down the halls yelling about it. He said that his parents could not know, period, end of story. No matter what. I agreed, obviously. I said I'd like to be not super obvious in front of out friends, and I wanted to add specifically Fitz, but I didn't know how he might react.


A few weeks had passed, and I had barely seen anyone. Everyone else in the group was busy too, because out lunches were short and sweet. Biana finally got fed up, insisting that we all go to a really nice (but cheep, we're in college after all) restaurant for dinner together. I was brushing on some eyeshadow that matched my simple red lace dress when Biana came into the bathroom.
"Oh, Sophie! You look so good" Biana looked misty eyed
"Bi, it's a dress. I don't look that great" I ran a hand over my stomach, trying to smooth the dress down.
"You look amazing, and I'm sure you'll catch a certain someone's eye" Biana winked at me, smiling. I still hadn't told her about me and Keefe, thinking that she might burst one of my eardrums with a happy squeal. That, and I knew she'd tell Fitz. I covered our long meeting by saying that we agreed to be good friends. We finished our makeup together, and I had to say we looked pretty good. She had a striking silvery-grey off the shoulder dress on, and it made her eyes pop. Her dark heels made her tower over me, and her makeup finished it off, making her look more appropriate for a ball, not a dinner with friends. She insisted that I looked as good as she did, but my dark red lace long sleeve dress had nothing on her. Especially paired with my matte black flats and simple smoky eye. When we headed down to get in the car, I was astonished that she didn't trip or stumble at all.

Once we got there, we saw that Dex and Fitz had already sat down at our reserved table.
"Don't you two look dapper" Biana commented on their suits as we were about to sit down. As I pulled out my chair, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I spun around and hugged Keefe. As I pulled away, he kissed me on the cheek lightly
"Hello, Foster" he said
"Hi, Keefe" I blushed. I leaned back in to hug him again, using it as excuse to hiss at him
"What are you doing? Remember, not super obvious?"
"Sorry, Foster. Just couldn't resist" he whispered back. I rolled my eyes and smiled, pulling away fully so I could sit down. Fitz shot Keefe the most venomous glare I had ever seen as he settled in next to me.
"So, what? Are you two a thing now or something?" Fitz asked me, totally ignoring Keefe. I didn't know how to respond, so I just didn't.
"Has anyone been here before?" I asked the table
"Yeah" Dex and Biana responded, obviously awkward about that whole interaction. I could tell Biana also wanted to bounce up and down In her chair, but held herself down.
"Yeah? Anything good that you know of?" I asked, pretending to skim through the menu
"The steaks. They're so good" Biana told me. Dex nodded in agreement, and after that the table fell into a uncomfortable silence, all of us looking at of menus. After the waiter took our order, we sat there, the occasional clink of ice on glass the only sound.
"This is getting ridiculous" Dex rolled his eyes, setting down his napkin "how about all of us go around and say what's bothering us? Fitz, you first" Fitz had been taking a sip of water, and his eyes bulged as he choked, not ready to be called out like that
"Nothings wrong. I just can't think of a good conversation starter" he said, but the extra sharp look he gave Keefe gave him away. I went next
"I'm tired. I pulled an all nighter yesterday so I could finish a big project due" I told the group, making something up. Sitting next to me was Keefe, so all eyes turned to him
"Nothing. Just zoning out" he said, not elaborating after that
"So you just happen to zone out right at Sophie's face?" Fitz snorted across the table
"I have a right to look at my girlfriend!" Keefe shot back
"Girlfriend?" Fitz paled slightly
"Seriously, Keefe? What the hell happened to "keep it low key"?" I asked him "also, we never agreed on a boyfriend-girlfriend label" I added. Personally, I would have preferred if we did have those labels, but I didn't want to push, so I didn't say anything once he suggested we date
"So it's true?" Fitz asked, sounding pissed
"Okay, how bout we sort this out? Yes, me and Keefe are dating. I'm not his girlfriend. Yet" I said, sneaking a quick glance at Keefe to see him smirk at the added yet
"Wow, little quick don't you think?" Fitz's words almost dripped with venom
"We've know each other for almost two months!" I screamed at the same time Keefe snorted and asked
"Jealous much?" Fitz decided to go after Keefe, standing up so forcefully that he knocked the chair back and to the ground, rounding on him
"Seriously, dude? I've tried for a damned year, and all of a sudden you waltz in and it takes you two months to win?" Fitz looked up, shaking his head in a 'I give up' motion
"She's not a prize to win, man. That's your problem, right there! You get angry, then you get controlling, and you act like she's not a living human with emotions. It's not one sided, you know! There's obviously a reason for her choice" Keefe shot back, standing as well
"ENOUGH" someone shouted

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