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I've been a mother many times. And every time I felt blessed. Giving birth is painful but in the end, when you see your babies' eyes for the first time is the most beautiful feeling in the world and there's nothing like it. All you care about is your child's safety. That they are always safe and loved.

Right now I'm the hospital. Waiting for these babies to come out. The doctors said that by the end of the night the additions to the Salvatore-Winchester family will be here. Currently is 6 pm. Time feels slow at this moment. I'm excited. I feel tired and my eyes feel heavy. I closed my eyes yes and when I woke up it was 11:30 pm.

I look to the side and see Dean on my right side and Sam on my left side. Castiel is sitting on the couch. He's not sleeping. I can hear him breathing but he just has his eyes closed. "Hey Cas," I said and he opens his eyes and smiles. "Hello Adeline" he responds. "I'm nervous Cas. I want these babies to be safe and sound. With no worry about the terrible things of the world," I said. Castiel gave me a sad smile.

"Cas I want you to promise me that if something happens to me... You'll take care of my babies as if they were yours. Promise me you'll keep them safe and you'll never let anything bad happen to them?" I asked.  "I promise to love and protect these babies as if they were my own," said Castiel with a smile."Thank you Castiel" I said and with that, the pain started.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was drowning.  Turns out the witches somehow found out about the baby and they were coming for them. Klaus got into the hospital and found us but he couldn't help the witches had him tied up with a spell.

Third Pov

A group of witches, accompanied by Genevieve, cornered a struggling Adeline. Adeline couldn't use her powers do to the fact that she's about to give birth. She screams in hopes that someone will hear her. "Get her back to the bed!" yells Genevieve. "We should take her to the city of the dead," says Monique. "We won't make it, the babies are coming and we are way too far to make it there. The babies are coming, and we'll just have to adapt" says Genevive.

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