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I saw him one last time before he disappeared from the face of the earth

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I saw him one last time before he disappeared from the face of the earth. He was gone. He never called. Never sent a text. Hell, I would've taken a letter. But there was nothing. So I told myself to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on. So I kept myself busy raising my kids.

I never heard from Stefan Salvatore until years later. Before Damon decided to take a cat nap I told him I was pregnant and Stefan was the father. He tried to call him but he never picked up. So I decided I was going to be a single mother. Alaric, Dean, Sam, and Castiel offered themselves up to be their father. They were happy to be fathers.

Then there was an incident with Lucifer. Yes Lucifer as in Satan. He got a woman pregnant. Kelly Kline. She was a good woman who had a good job. She worked for the president, who at the time was being possessed by Lucifer. And well, things happened and she ended up pregnant. She tried to kill the baby. So Castiel asked me to carry the baby. We did a spell, similar to the one with the Gemini Coven and miraculously it worked. So instead of having twins I had triplets.

The pregnancy was normal. Just like the others. The boys and girls threw me a baby shower. Caroline and Tyler came, even Enzo. Only a few people were invited. Derek was also here. During the pregnancy he helped a lot. After everything that happened in Beacon Hills he decided to take a break and when he heard about me giving birth to my Alaric and Stefan's kids he decided to come to visit but for some reason ended up staying with us for a while. Well, long enough for us to start a relationship.

After my mon-existent breakup with Stefan, I decided to get my life together. I had kids to take care of. So I opened a new restaurant and got busy. I was raising my kids with Alaric and with Derek who decided to take a break from Beacon Hills. He took a job at the restaurant. He was living with me and Alaric. We had a full house. The kids. Maddy, Anna, Damien, Dominic, Alaric, Derek. Even the kids from Beacon Hill would stop by every now and then. Sometimes the Winchester's and Castiel would spend the weekend or even a few weeks here at the house. But the truth was I was happy. We were happy, no threats, no fights, no one was in danger. It was peaceful.

By the end of the pregnancy Derek and I got together. He was overprotective. He went to every doctor's appointment. He made sure I wasn't stressing. He would help around the house. He would ask me out to dinner dates, beach dates, park dates(with the kids of course) he loved them as if they were his own. He was there for the birth of the triplets. Jack was born first. Then it was Daisy and lastly Lilian. One boy and two girls. Lilian and Daisy got my blonde hair. Jack had brown hair. The three of them had blue eyes. Lilian was like her father. She was a quiet baby and well behaved. Daisy was like me in a sense. She was well behaved but she could be stubborn. Jack was a sweet kid. Always smiling and laughing.

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