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Camilia's POV

"So a girl, who has not spent a single day in the castle, has a right to the throne? That's justice?" I fight the urge to snap at my Master of Whispers.

"Yes. Each competitor has equal right to the throne, no matter who resides in the castle itself. Don't tell me you are worried about two children halfway across Rothemer." Alice states in a bored tone.

The three of us are in my corridors preparing for my first showing. Cassie is busy with my makeup and hair, while Alice provides the answers to my racing mind. And I am silently preparing a speech in my head.

At first it was just Cassie in my chambers. But then, I had her run off to fetch Alice. Alice has a way of calming a person down under a strict time schedule.

Cassie hums quietly as she pulls my hair into braids.

"Naturalists haven't claimed the throne in 200 years. Elementals land the throne all the time." Cassie pitches in. She shuffles around me to grab the hair brush positioned in my lap.

"No matter, my siblings should be dealt with. They need to perish before the Arena Wars." I state, my tone leaving no room for argument. I know what I ask is illegal, but I would do anything to become Queen.

"You are little more than a child." Alice reminds me.

"I am the rightful heir." I remind her.

"So are your competitors." Alice sighs and lean back on my bed.

"Why? Because the White Council randomly selected them? Last I heard, Lucretia is somewhere rolling around in the mud and roasting marshmallows. And Arlette! Doesn't even know she is a Queen!" The blood rushes up to my face when I realize I let my emotions get the best of me. I apologize with a small smile.

"What do you think I should do, Alice?" I hear myself ask. A voice in the back of my mind reminds me that she is not to be trusted. But who is to be trusted? Without my memories, I don't know my past betrayals. Who are my people?

I am a queen...alone in the world.

"Let them kill each other. Eliminate each other. By the time the Arena Wars roll around, make your first appearance. Then hide in the Castle and wait for the victor to come knocking. This is your domain. You will know this castle best." I carefully consider her words of wisdom. I can't help but remain cautious.

"If I want my people to follow me, I have to become a part of their world." I state to myself and glance in the mirror. The girl who looks back at me seems older.

"People will learn to love their conditions. My fire will bring this island nothing but life and protection." I state again, to no one in particular.

"Alice, what exactly do my people think of me?"

She takes an unnecessary pause and twirls her short brown locks between her fingers; knowing full well how uncomfortable she makes me.

"You told me to spread tales of your fires. They think you are strong willed. The people respect and fear you. They say you are your mother reincarnated."

Chills run down my shine. My mother was also a fire elemental.

"Red or orange, my Queen?" Cassie's voice chips in. I look into the mirror and she has transformed my face quite nicely. In her hand, rests two small eyeshadow containers.

"Red." Alice and I say in unison. I take a moment to look over her. She seems too relaxed.

"I have a gentle heart, I will not just be respected and feared. I will be loved."

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