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Camilia's POV

Sifting my fire in my hands like salt; I create a messy bubble of sprinkled flames. The pile of kindling sits at my feet, mocking me with it's forever solid existence. The night after I had created the dragon, I couldn't light a candle. Now, I can't even start a fire. The library's stone wall stands silent as my efforts bounce back and once again, I call upon my fire. My failure slightly unnerves me but I pull myself together and smile at the small pile of sticks. In situations like these, it is important not to lose yourself in grief. My fire is my identity, my upper hand on an island filled with uncovered magic and gifted subjects.

"We will pick up where we left off tomorrow." I say to the pile of wood. I stare at the wood a little too long, as if waiting for a response. Turning heel, I scan the darkest corners of the library. I happen to be the only one here as of late. Satisfied by my lonesome, I skim my fingers along the walls as I walk over to my favorite table. The window beside it overlooks the entire front end of the castle, where I can monitor the people passing in and out.

I pull out my sketch book and start to draw. Glancing out the window, I notice Reign with a group of queensguard. She appears to be in an argument with a fellow guard. She points to him to go back with the others. He obeys and then Reign promptly starts drilling them. My fingers itch to sketch the scene, the fire within me begs to capture Reign's superiority and claim it as mine. So that is what I do. I simply replace Reign at the head of the guard. I create an older version of myself, with square shoulders and a hard set jaw. I skip over my features and focus on the people I'm instructing...

"Camilia! Guess who is here!" A loud squeal pulls me out of my own world. My eyes refuse to leave the image I've created and my head turns towards Cassie.

Annoyance prickles my spine as I run names through my mind.

"It better not be who I think it is." His face flashes across my memory. I shiver in disgust.

"No! It's not your suitor!" Cassie laughs loudly and glaces around. "Thank the Goddess we are alone."

"Well, will you tell me who it is?" Allowing her the human decency, I tear my eyes away from the drawing.

"It's the Queen's best friend!" My intestines immediately grapple each other. I casually place my utensil down and get up slowly.

"I know what you're going to say! You are probably not supposed to know. But this is HUGE! The maids can't stop talking about it!" Her vocal cord produce a high pitched squeal as she jumps excitedly in the air. I fight the urge to cover my ears.

Cassie motions for me to get out the door as she eyes my paper. Feeling slightly protective of it; I tuck my notebook in my satchel.

"One perk of being a maid is that you can easily access information that is unaccessable!" Cassie laughs softly and grabs my arm. I allow her to pull me down the hall as she fills me in on the way to the throne room.

"I happened to be at the right place at the right time. I came as fast as my legs could carry me. Josie? Jane? No... Jade! That's her name. She came on that dapple gray mare of hers. Brave of her to show her face here, am I right?" Cassie's eyes glaze over in excitement.

"Indeed. I am curious as to why she is here. This better not be a sick twisted plot to kill me."

"Why risk your loyalist companion? Naturalists tend to be softhearted. I don't think that is the case."

I ponder over it for a moment. I glance at the candles on the wall. I whisper under my breath to the flames. They grow brighter for a moment and the strain leaves me breathless. We arrive at one of the many side doors and Cassie places a finger to her lips. She motions for me to stay where I am as she cracks the door open. Voices immediately drift to our ears.

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