ch. 1| introduction

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Gabrielle's POV
I wake up to Jack giving me a bunch of kisses, I gently push him away and turn around. He continues to kiss me and I giggle. He tickles me and I laugh and grab his hand. I hold his wrist down and climb on top of him to where I'm straddling him.

Jack: I like where this is going

Gabrielle: oh my god

I climb off the bed and pick up the camera, which was recording us that whole time.

Gabrielle: guys do you see what I have to deal with on a regular?

Jack: guys do you see who chose to stay with me?

Gabrielle: and I love every moment of it, no matter what

Jack: aww.... ew

Gabrielle: *laughs* so jack? wanna tell them what our video is gonna be today?

Jack: well if you haven't already seen the title, Gabrielle

Gabrielle: oops...

Jack: we decided it would be fun to try "being pregnant for a day" not me obviously, but Gabrielle wanted to try it

Gabrielle: yeah, Amazon has EVERYTHING which is why I ordered a fake belly to use

Jack: of course you did

Gabrielle: I think it was supposed to be like a 6-9 month one? I didn't really read it I just ordered it

Jack: Gabrielle has a shopping problem

Gabrielle: I do *smiles*

Jack: anyway where is this thing at?

Gabrielle: in my closet, I'll grab it

I walk towards my closet and as I pass Jack and slaps my butt, I giggle and grab the belly from my closet

Gabrielle: it's so heavy, feel it

I hand it to Jack and his arm drops a little

Jack: jesus it is heavy, is this what it actually feels like?

Gabrielle: I would assume so

Jack: question, how are you going to fit into your clothes with that thing on?

Gabrielle: I thought ahead, like any smart person and ordered some maternity clothes with it

Jack: lIkE aNy SmArT pErSoN yeah right Gabrielle your not smart

Gabrielle: you're right I'm not *laughs*

I went and changed into some jeans and a black long sleeve body suit. I came out of the closet and Jack stared

Jack: rubber duck rubber duck mama is smokin hot

Gabrielle: it's so heavy, like I'm not even joking it's so heavy

Jack: wow for a pregnant woman you're hot

Gabrielle: you already said that

Jack: come here

I went over to him and he put his arm around my waist and smacked my butt again

Gabrielle: ow that actually hurt that time

Jack: sorry did I hurt the baby?

Gabrielle: oh my god

Jack: we're great parents I swear guys

Gabrielle: so first place we're going is the mall

Jack: who said anything about going places?

Gabrielle: what's the point of the challenge if we don't do stuff?

Jack: you're right, let's go shopping

We drove to the mall and decided to be funny and go to a maternity store. We ran into some fans and awkwardly took photos. We clogged some more and got froyo and pretzels before going home again.

Gabrielle: it may look easy but guys this is so heavy and my back is killing me

Jack: yeah props to any pregnant women out there you guys are amazing

Gabrielle: alright we'll I'm done

I tore the Velcro apart in the back and took it off and set it on the couch

Jack: did you just-

Gabrielle: yep

Jack: alright things just got weird, anyways guys merch link down below please subscribe and we will see you

Gabrielle: in the next one!

He turned the camera off and we made pizza for dinner. We watched Game of Thrones for a while before I took a shower and went to bed. Later on I felt Jack climb into bed and wrap his arms around me. I fell asleep rubbing his hand.

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