ch. 10| party

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Gabrielle's pov
lexa went to stay with Jacks mom for a few days yesterday so we decided to go to a halloween party tonight with our friends just to get out and have fun for a little while.

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(these were our costumes)

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(these were our costumes)

- 9:30 pm -

I finished getting ready and grabbed my phone and wallet before walking out to the car with Jack. he drove us to the party and we had a few drinks and had been talking with some friends. I got up to go get a snack and saw a quick flash of navy colored clothing go past a door. I looked around and didn't see Jack with his friends so I followed where I saw the flash. it was a dimly lit hallway with a door at the end. I hesitated before opening it and I twisted the handle. I quickly opened it and saw Jack making out with another girl.

Gabrielle: Jack! what are you doing?!

Jack: what do you mean?

Gabrielle: you were just shoving your tongue down another girls throat what do you mean!?

Jack: no I wasn't

Gabrielle: I'm not blind Jack I know what I saw, this is so low, even for you

I walked out and told my friends I was leaving and grabbed my stuff. I went out to the car and searched for my keys. I fumbled through them trying to find the right one. Jack came running behind me and grabbed my keys.

Gabrielle: Jack stop

Jack: no I'm not letting you leave

Gabrielle: why not? you think I'm gonna stay after I just saw you making out with someone else? hell no Jack. let me go home.

Jack: no, you don't understand that's not what I was doing

Gabrielle: I don't understand? I don't understand!? understand what?! how do you explain that?!

Jack: it's not what you think

he tried to grab my arm but I pulled away.

Gabrielle: don't touch me! you are so unbelievable

Jack: babe just-

Gabrielle: don't! do not call me that! let me go home Jack, I don't care what you do but you're not coming home. I'm done. it's over.

Jack: Gabrielle *chuckles* look

he grabbed my arm and turned me towards the door where a few of our friends were standing recording us. I rolled my eyes and walked up to them.

Gabrielle: that was mean

Jack: but I got you *laughs*

Gabrielle: don't do that *slaps him them hugs him*

Jack: I'm getting mixed signals here I don't know if I want to hug you back

Gabrielle: you do that again and you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week

Jack: definitely not *slaps gabs butt* I like that

Gabrielle: what time is it?

Jack: um like 2:30 in the morning

Gabrielle: can we go home? I don't want to be here anymore

Jack: what are we gonna do when we get home? sleep?

Gabrielle: mess around, get a little kinky with it

Jack: let's go

I giggled and we left a little while later.

- two days later -

Gabrielle: you really did it this time, Lexa baby come here we're gonna go for a drive okay?

Lexa: otay

Jack: Gabrielle

Gabrielle: what?!

Jack: will you look at me for two seconds please?

Gabrielle: no, you're not gonna convince me to stay this time. I've had it and I'm sick of it, I'm taking Lexa and we're leaving.

Jack: you're not taking my daughter away from me

Gabrielle: watch me

I picked Lexa up and grabbed my backpack and the keys. I buckled her in the car and started it. Jack came out just as I got in. He looked at me and I drove off. I tear streamed down my cheek and I wiped it before more came. I drove to my parents house and explained what had happened to them. they told me they could watch Lexa for a little bit if I wanted to go for a drive or to clear my head. I listened to them and went to a park that no usually visited. I sat in the car and just stared into the distance.

- 3 weeks later -

I set a timer for three minutes and leaned against the door. Lexa knocked on the door and I opened it and she brought me a pizza made from her kitchen toys. I smiled and she went to grab me a drink to go with it. we were still at my parents house and I got all of our stuff from the apartment. I haven't talked to jack in about two weeks and I plan to keep it that way no matter what happens. the timer went off and I got up and set my phone on the bathroom counter. I picked up the test and flipped it over. tears streamed down my cheeks and Lexa came in.

Lexa: mommy up *hugs gabrielle*

I picked her up and hugged her tightly. I looked at the test again and it still read positive. Lexa looked at me concerned and I rubbed her cheek and told her they were happy tears. she smiled and hugged me. I walked into the living room and my parents were sitting there watching tv. I gave the test to Lexa and told her to bring it to them. she smiled and ran up to them. I got a drink and my mom yelled. I smiled and she and my dad hugged me.

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