Chapter 8: The Commander

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Character request by: JoelKellen

BJ: So let's see here. Those Argent demons keep on attempting to invade this hell. How are we gonna stop this?

Stan: I don't know gramps. We will have to kill the Khan Makyr if that were to happen. She's basically the whole reason this is happening.

Hayden: I was able to fix the portal opener so maybe we can get back to the Phobos UAC base with the BFG 10K.

Stan: Hold up. An even bigger gun? Oh I want to see this.

Hayden: Then we have no time to waste.

Stan: Okay. Come on guys.

Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, angel, Husk And Niffty followed them through the portal making it to the control room in the Phobos base. They heard over the PA system the Slayer has entered the facility. All of the scientists, workers and guards got up and saluted.

UAC scientist: It's him. We need help now. The demons are attacking the BFG 10,000.

Stan told the others to wait there until he got back. He walks into the elevator past 2 guards and sees the BFG 10,000.

Stan: *Gasp* It's

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Stan: *Gasp* It's. So beautiful.

Music plays in the background.

He makes it to the bottom and is out on top of the base walking towards the BFG. He sees some one holding a couple of laser weapons shooting at the demons. He wore dark grey and black armor. His helmet was yellow with a pink visor and the word blaze on the front.

???: Hey you! mind helping out with these guys?

Stan: sure.

He pulled out Lucifer's Bane (the new super shotgun) and started blasting away. The stranger mowed down the imps while Stan grappled onto the cacodemons and ripped their eyeballs out.

This plays in the background.

???: Good shot dude. What's your name?

Stan: People call me the Doomslayer but my friends and family call me by my real name.

???: What would that be then?

Stan: Stan Blazkowicz. My great grandfather is William Joseph Blazkowicz the terror billy.

???: I recognize that name. Wait a moment you said Blazkowicz Correct?

Stan: Yes- shit a baron!

A baron of hell came running at them. It smashed into the wall next to them. BJ came running in wearing a UAC guard suit to breathe in space.

BJ: Don't worry Stanley I got em'!

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