Chapter 29: New happenings

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Geltahmiin dragged Stan back to the outpost with Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie following behind them. They returned and saw Keen there talking with Fergus who immediately waved to them.

Keen: You've returned! Also Al what happened to you?

Alastor: Yeah Geltahmiin was able to release the brainwashing from my head. Then from Stan and he finally killed the Marauder.

Keen: Well that's great. You didn't have to kill either Alastor or my son. I expected you to kill Alastor after what happened in the past.

Geltahmiin: There were somethings that happened that made me spare him.

The four left the room with Fergus telling him about how the Marauder was defeated. Keen was just sitting there and saw Loona walk in. He waved to her and she blushed from the sight of him.

Later the gang decided to head back to the hotel and take a break. All the demon slaying was making them tired and want to relax. So then Hayden opened the portal to hell and Stan, Charlie, Keen, Loona, Geltahmiin, Alastor, Duke, Angel, Vaggie, Niffty, Husk, Tachanka, Fuze, Kapkan, And Glaz stepped through.

Charlie: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel my Russian friends.

The Spetsnaz boys looked around the place. It had lots of space for people to move around and relax. Angel and Geltahmiin went upstairs while the others were downstairs. Geltahmiin helped Angel put his makeup on and dress up in drag. When the product was finished, angel looked like a beautiful woman.

He strutted downstairs getting the attention of Duke who whistled

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He strutted downstairs getting the attention of Duke who whistled. He couldn't tell it was Angel in that and started to flirt with him, "Hey there sweetheart. I'm duke Nukem international playboy and glorious bastard." Geltahmiin whispered at Angel to use the feminine voice she taught him and so he did.

Angel (In a female voice): Oh you look like the kind of man to satisfy a girl with my caliber.~

He messed with his chest a bit making Duke drop his glasses and say, "Straight to the point huh?" Though before anymore moves could've been made Geltahmiin came by and said, "Excuse me Duke darling, But can I speak to her for a moment?"

Duke: Sure as long as I can see her pretty face again.

Angel was blushing as Geltahmiin took him outside and teleported then to her place. They had a conversation about Husk trying to be sober to prove he's worth staying with. Learning that rocked angel's world. But Geltahmiin whipped up a serum perfect for this scenario.

Angel: What does it do toots?

Geltahmiin: You May act like a female but you most certainly aren't one. One quick injection of this and you'll be a female with a working reproductive system. So a vag. and actual tits darling.

Angel: I feel like that would make Husk happy. I'll do it.

He gets jabbed in the arm with it and in a couple of minutes he feels the effects. Angel felt his chest and it wasn't just fur there were actual breasts there. He looked down at his crotch and saw his diddly von dangly wasn't there too.

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