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•~•PART 2•~•

The thirteen got separated and we're in the midst of a forest.

•~•Day 1•~•

(Kiel and Alleisha)

Alleisha and Kiel walked finding their way back to the mansion where they were brought by the kidnappers but they realized that they were walking in circles and seemed to return to the same place over and over again. Now they are lost in the midst of a forest.

"I wonder where we are, sis?? I don't understand how we get in this place in the first place. I mean, we have ran outside the mansion because we heard a burst of fire from the second floor. When we were out of the mansion, we turned to look back to see what had happened after hearing the mansion collapsed but then we found ourselves in the midst of tall, woody trees, bushes and grasses. I'm puzzled how it happened. I know we haven't gone farther to lose our way. But now it's more likely hopeless for us to return." Kiel stated.

"I am also worrying. We are supposed to be back to the location of the mansion by now and see how the others are doing. I think there's something wrong. I feel that we are lost." Alleisha stated and looked around her.

"I'm starting to feel afraid now. I want to see our friends. This experience is really weird. We are supposed to be in Kinski Island by now. I'm sure Sir Caldrin is contacting our parents already. Are we going to be finding our way back?" Kiel asked slightly getting worried.

"Help! Ro?! AJ?! Where are you?!" Alleisha shouted.

"Nami?! Yafi? AL?! Kaylie! Are you there?!" Kiel shouted too.

"Guys?! Misha?! Neiamira?! Mitch?! Precious?! Meiy?!" The two called out aloud expecting to receive any response but there was no answer.

"It's not working. I don't think they are near. I wonder what happened to them by now. What is wrong with this place? Why did we get lost here?" Kiel said murmuring.

"Calm down, KM. We will be alright. I know we'll find them soon. We just need to keep going." Alleisha said and walked on and so Kiel followed her.

They came by a huge rock and decided to stop there and rest so they both sat on top of it and beside each other.

"I'm tired. I feel hopeless." Kiel said.

"Here, have some milk. It will cheer you up." Alleisha said and took out a bottle of milk and handed it over to Kiel.

"This milk is good. I really like to drink milk. Thanks." Kiel said.

"We need to be brave no matter what will happen to us. We must always stay close to each other." Alleisha said.

"I'm sorry that sometimes I feel hate over you, sis. I feel that often times but I don't tell it to anybody. I feel irritated sometimes when you're with me. Now that the two of us are together, I feel so ashamed of myself. I can't say how much I could thank you for being so nice to me and I am blessed to have you as a sister. You know what, I still can't forget the times I cheated on you. When you brought wafers at home and kept them in your cabinet, I oftentimes sneak into your room to get some and hide it somewhere. I enjoyed watching you go crazy looking for those and then I'll return the wafers back to your cabinet the next day and you'll find it there and rejoiced thinking that you might only have mistaken earlier. I enjoyed having quarrels with you everyday. I don't consider how you would feel but inspite everything I did to you, you're still there to help me." Kiel said and drank his milk.

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