author's note

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From your hand, anything can be stolen. From your destiny, nothing.

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With a complexion darker than the darkest nights and, a voice sweeter than honey, he was the most charming youth anyone had seen.

Children and animals of all kinds were his frequent companions. His untamed curls would sway under the breeze, a smile on his lips as he spent his days under the sun, plucking fruits from trees, running around and playing his flute.

But all was not happy as it seemed. His beloved, his Radha, had strayed far from him. She had turned her back on him, grieving with her broken heart all by herself.

For her, he was just a frivolous flute player, a temporary guest in her house.

For him, she was a part of him. Just like the many others, she, too, was precious for him.

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First published: 2019.
First editing: 2021. (completed)
Second editing: 2023. (completed)

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Copyright© by CalmGuy9/wattpad. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced mechanically or electronically. The names, places and events are fictional. Any resemblance with living, dead or history is just a mere coincidence. All the graphics, except for media from the web, are owned by author and the graphic designer. The quotes written in each chapter belong solely to the author. This book is only available on wattpad. If available on other sites must be reported to CalmGuy9.

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Cover: ReynaBennett

Banner: Nakshatra012m

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i. There will be many grammatical errors as english is not my first language.

ii. The quotes used in this story have been taken from the internet.

iii. This story has been edited twice but if you still find errors, feel free to correct me.

iv. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

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