Chapter 7: Finally in a group

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Three years ago

It's been a month since Hanjun starts coming in the academy. In the span of that time, he already make quite few friends. But he always spend his time with Taemin whenever they have classes together.

"I'm really looking forward for today. You?" Taemin asked the person besides him.

"Can you tell me what we are going to do today again?" Hanjun asked as he didn't quite catch up what the dance instructor told them during yesterday classes. He was concentrating in dancing and didn't hear anything of his surroundings.

"Geez Jun give attention when the teacher inform at us next time. He repeated it four times and you still didn't hear him?"

"Sorry hyung. I was focusing on my dance too much hehe" Hanjun said while scratching the temple of his head.

"Well that's a good thing though. Okay open your ears widely Jun. Today an acquaintances of our dance instructor will come to tutor us for a couple months and I heard that he is a famous dancer" Taemin explained to the clueless Hanjun who was just replied an 'oh' to him.

They got inside the practice room where their dance instructor told them to go yesterday. There were already a few students inside sitting inside the room waiting for class to start. Hanjun took a sit next to one of his friend that he met at the academy while Taemin sit beside him. They chatted away while waiting for the rest to show up.

By 3 o'clock all of the students that taken the class have shown up. Just a few minutes past 3, their dance instructor and a person came inside the room and get greeted by all of his students.

"Hello everyone, thanks for showing up early for today class. Looks like you were all excited to meet your new dance teacher for the next couple of months aren't you"

Upon hearing what their dance instructor said, most of the students were in shocked by the person that was standing beside him. They start to whisper among each other as they can't believe seeing a famous dancer in front of them. All of them except Hanjun. He was confused by the sight of his colleague being excited all of a sudden. He then asked Taemin who the guy in front of him are.

"Hyung, why was everyone in shocked? Who is that guy?"

Taemin widen his eyes hearing the question that Hanjun just asked. For real? He didn't know? "Really Jun?! You didn't know him?!" Taemin asked feeling surprised that his friend didn't know who this person were.

Hanjun shakes his head. Taemin cover his face dumbfounded by the consciousness of Hanjun about this world. "He is Ha Hwidong. A famous dancer in our country"

"Really? I didn't know"

"How can you not know him?! He has won in many various dance championship around the world Jun! He is a world champion and a world class dancer!"

Hanjun was surprised to hear about who the person is. He didn't realize that the person in front of them were that famous. He suddenly feels tense after hearing what Taemin said. The feeling of respect for the person in front of him suddenly came into his sense.

"Let me introduce my friend here. I can already sense that some of you were already familiar with this person. He's name is Ha Hwidong and he is a world champion dancer. Let's just invite him to take over" everyone clapped their hand as their dance instructor invite his friend to take over the talk.

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